
23+ Tips for breastfeeding your baby successfully as I did

Breastfeeding is one of the most wonderful things that has happened to me as a woman and as a mother but achieving it was not an easy task. For first-timers or those without a support network to advise them, the issue of breastfeeding can turn into a nightmare. So that this does not happen I want to share with you these tips that will facilitate breastfeeding your baby from birth.

If you are convinced that you want to breastfeed your baby and you know the incredible benefits of breast milk, we already speak the same language. However, one is not born knowing how to breastfeed and at first, it is painful. That nobody tells you, so I think it is super important that you prepare before the delivery. It is preferable that you arrive with part of the task done when it is your turn to breastfeed your child.

There are many myths around breastfeeding, but you can establish this bond with your baby and give this precious gift to your newborn while you recover more quickly in the postpartum thanks to breastfeeding. Take note of these tips and be very patient. Yes, you can!

Prepare to breastfeed long before you have your baby.
Before giving birth, prepare to breastfeed. It is very important that you do it before because when you give birth you will have too many things on your mind and it is better to get the task done. When I lived in Spain, I came across this book by the pediatrician Carlos González called "A gift for life", which today is still a benchmark in breastfeeding. The author unmasks all the myths that revolve around breastfeeding and I became convinced that I would achieve my goal of breastfeeding my children. There is also an audiobook version and additional literature in both Spanish and English.

Make sure you have skin-to-skin contact with your baby right after delivery.
As soon as my baby was born, and before the umbilical cord was cut, I already had it on my chest. Miraculously she immediately grabbed the nipple and began to suck. Nature is wonderful and you have to trust it because the babies, no matter how small they are, instinctively know what to do and my doula was there making sure that my will was done so that breastfeeding started correctly.

A lot of patience is required at first and let's be honest, it's painful.
Whoever tells you that breastfeeding a baby doesn't hurt at first lies. It is painful because your nipples have to prepare for this stage, especially if you are a first time. In addition, the baby must learn to properly grasp the nipple and areola correctly. If you have any doubts, don't leave the hospital until you are sure that your baby is breastfeeding correctly.

Try to sleep when your baby sleeps.
Breastfeeding is extremely tiring, babies fill up very easily at first, and then they get hungry again, so the process is repeated over and over again. It is important that you rest as much as you can because breastfeeding consumes a lot of energy, so recharge the batteries when your baby does it.

Check that your baby is latching on correctly.
With my newborn baby, I had the misfortune that the baby did not grip my chest correctly, that did not happen to me with the two older ones. Although I was already an expert in breastfeeding, there are many factors that can interfere with breastfeeding. This kid only held the tip of the nipple. I cannot describe the pain I felt. Even my nipples bled, it was terrible. The doula who accompanied me in labor advised me to teach my little boy how to properly grasp the nipple and the areola. This video of Dr. Carlos González perfectly explains the best positions and the way in which the baby should hold the breast.

Spend as much time as possible close to your baby.
It may seem incredible to you, but the longer you spend with your baby, the easier it will be to breastfeed. You and your little one are still connected and you will see that before I am hungry I will cramp your breasts. That is an infallible warning that your little one is about to cry. It seems hard to believe but when you check it you will believe me. Remember that breastfeeding requires a lot of practice.

Breastfeed your baby whenever he asks you to.
Newly hatched babies - as I like to tell newborns - don't
They know about schedules and are hungry at different times. They are simply obeying his
 Body. It is a myth that you have to feed him every three hours. You must give eat when they ask for it, so you can ensure that you will continue to produce more milk. Don't you
Don't worry, it doesn't mean that you will be a restaurant open 24 hours. Your little boy will go away adjusting and little by little the intervals to breastfeed will be longer.

Express a little milk to relieve your breasts.
Expressing milk to reduce breast pain is essential, especially at the beginning that your body produces more milk than your baby needs. Don't worry that your body is so wise that it will then adjust to your baby's demand. I like this manual breast pump because I control the speed and use it on one breast while breastfeeding my baby with the other.

Have bags to store milk on hand.
Breast milk is liquid gold and it is a good idea to store it because you never know when you may need it. So it's a good idea to get bags that are specific to safely store breast milk.

Start your 'stock' of frozen milk.
Having frozen milk is a great resource to free yourself from breastfeeding if you want to go out to dinner one day or have to go on a trip or if you have to go back to work. With my first son, I had to return to work at four months, so since I was a newborn I used to express milk from one breast and give him the other. When he went to the nursery I already had a supply for several weeks.

Sleep with your baby close by to make it easier to breastfeed at night.
Evaluate what works best for you and the recommendations of your pediatrician. It helps me to put a cradle in my bed. It is there where my protected baby sleeps so that we will not crush him while we sleep. It is too close to be able to feed her several times at night. In fact, your crib comes with a handy little lamp so you don't have to turn on all the lights when breastfeeding.

Find the correct posture to be comfortable when breastfeeding your baby.
There are many postures to breastfeed your baby and surely over time you will become an expert - I have breastfed my children even walking or shopping. But, to start with, seek to be as comfortable as possible, with your back well-rested and with pillows that support the weight of your baby and bring it to your chest. There are pillows specially designed for breastfeeding that you can use if you get comfortable with them.

Seek help from groups that support breastfeeding.
Remember that you are not alone. In your locality, there are groups of women who encourage breastfeeding and who are willing to help you. With my first baby, I had great support from La Leche League. They taught me the correct way to breastfeed and answered all my questions.

Take showers of hot and cold water to soothe your breasts when your milk rises.
A remedy that relieved me a lot once the milk rises is to shower with hot water and then with cold water. Doing so helps improve circulation, deflate, and improve milk flow. Milk usually rises between 30 and 72 hours, depending on whether you are a first-time mother or if you already were.

Use a cream to protect your nipples.
In the market, you will find plenty of creams or ointments to relieve cracked nipples. Choose the one you like. For me, the most important thing is that you can use it while breastfeeding your baby.

Constantly examine your breasts to avoid mastitis.
Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissues that normally occurs in women who breastfeed. Consult your doctor if you feel a lump in one of the breasts, redness, a lot of pain, a burning sensation when breastfeeding, or just a very strong discomfort. It is important that you avoid this condition, as it can have serious consequences for your health and impact breastfeeding.

Granny's remedies can also help you deflate your breasts.
In addition to creams, you can also use natural remedies to deflate and relieve breasts at the beginning of lactation. One of them is cabbage. It is used by putting the leaves in the refrigerator and when cold they are applied to the breasts. Its anti-inflammatory properties will greatly help you. There are other remedies such as aloe, which you can spread on the chest. You can also use calendula or apple cider vinegar. Regardless of the remedy you use, be sure to wash thoroughly before breastfeeding your baby.

Drink plenty of fluids.
To produce milk you require a large number of liquids in your body. It is very important that you drink water constantly and stay hydrated. Listen to your body!

Maintain a balanced diet and eat.
What you eat will go directly into the milk, so make sure you eat foods that are nutritious for you and your little one. Avoid fats and foods with a lot of sugar, as well as caffeine and alcohol.

Remember to keep taking your vitamins.
My doctor prescribed the same vitamins that I took during pregnancy. Ask your
 doctor if you must continue taking them and if so, do it religiously.

Buy yourself pads to protect yourself from accidents.
The pads or nursing pads protect you from accidents that may occur. It is normal for a little milk to come out if your breasts are very full. I really liked this because they are washable and super soft. You find them thin or extra absorbent. They also come in the shape of a circle or a heart, depending on the type of bra you wear. There are also disposable pads and there are many models and brands on the market.

Make sure you have the right bra for breastfeeding.
Having a good bra that supports your chest and supports you is essential to take care of your breasts and to facilitate breastfeeding. You can try from the typical ones with an opening at the tips to this one that is one of the newest on the market and allows you to breastfeed and even express milk with an electric breast pump, an incredible functionality for mothers who need to express milk at the highest possible speed and in the most efficient way. I have tried it for breastfeeding and I like it because it comes with a kind of shirt over the bravery practical.

A breastfeeding blanket will make it easier for you to breastfeed in public.
At first, breastfeeding in public is not easy because you have no experience and feel that everyone is watching you. But, that is not so, almost nobody realizes it and it is something natural. To make you feel calmer you can cover yourself with a nursing blanket.

Think of all the benefits of breast milk when you can no longer.
Breastfeeding is quite heavy and painful at first. Sorry to repeat it, but some women stop breastfeeding after the first month because nobody told them. Do not give up, think about the health benefits of your child. Until now there is no formula milk that equals breast milk and creates a very special bond between you and your baby.

Remember that you can breastfeed your baby.
Here I have exactly one month of giving birth. As you can see my tired face is total but I can assure you it is worth it. In addition to the benefits of breastfeeding for
 Your baby, breastfeeding helps you lose those extra books after pregnancy. Yes,
 you have a problem breastfeeding, seek help. Don't give up, yes you can.

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