

Do you know how long herbalism has been believed to be at odds with science, due to the mysticism that has been created around medicinal plants and their healing abilities? Between shamanism and curanderas, to some, it seems impossible that it can be founded by science.

However, I tell you that there is research that supports its functionality and effectiveness for health and stress. In fact, the World Health Organization recognizes its benefits. Take note, but don't forget this: ask for professional and medical supervision and authorization before trying them, as some have contraindications.

You must take into account that it is incredible the level of importance that medicinal plants have taken in recent years. In fact, these healing plants are no longer listed as a traditional remedy or grandmother's remedies. Today, they are under the spotlight of many scientists who are taking the opportunity to test them.

There are many herbs that bring impressive improvements to health and that can be a perfect accompaniment in your medical treatment. It is very important to recognize that the properties that many plants have are infinite. That is why even some doctors have started advising their patients to use some plants as a complement to their medical treatments.

High levels of cholesterol in the blood.
In a world as hectic as ours, your diet may not be very healthy. If you are used to eating a lot of saturated fat or even trans fatty acids, you can alter your cholesterol level. You must lower the buns and fat from animal foods.

If you want to decrease it, it is essential that you turn to the celery.
Celery has is one of the vegetables that you should consume in juices (if you prefer) in order to immediately lower your cholesterol levels. In addition to purifying and facilitating your digestion, it gives a feeling of well-being to your digestive system.

Gastritis causes a terrible stomach upset.
If you are one of those who love to eat flavored, take too many medications, or live in total stress, you surely have gastritis. Excess heartburn is responsible for the deterioration of the lining that protects your stomach.

Combat annoying heartburn with aloe vera.
Aloe is a wonderful plant and one of those wonders is that it protects your stomach wall. You just have to prepare a remedy by letting it soak for about three hours, take its gel and prepare a juice mixing honey and a cup of water.

Asthma and bronchitis are increasingly common respiratory diseases.
When the bronchi become inflamed, they cause very important disorders in the body, such as obstruction of the airways and, therefore, enormous respiratory difficulties.

In addition to the treatment prescribed by your doctor, you can try Moringa.
Known as the tree of life and eternal youth, moringa is high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and protein. It also contains ephedrine that helps a lot to deflate the bronchi and facilitate breathing.

Horrible insomnia that does not allow you to rest and have a restful sleep.
When you don't get enough sleep, your body suffers greatly. The problem is that you feel exhausted all day, your performance is very low and you can also feel very unhappy.

Use linden and passionflower to combat it and sleep better.
These two herbs promote your quality of sleep. You only have to prepare an infusion because they work as natural anxiolytics. In addition, linden also has a sedative effect. If you try it and you do not have it contraindicated, you will see how you sleep like an angel.

The horrible flu or cold that brings you tears all day.
Because it is a disease that spreads easily, it is natural that, if your defenses are low, you will catch it immediately. And even if you try to be careful, the environment is always one of the sources of infection that you cannot avoid.

Try eucalyptus steam inhalations and you will notice the difference immediately.
Besides that, it helps you breathe much better and control those terrible nasal secretions. Its properties are infinite since inhaling it will reduce the inflammation of your airways and will also help you as an expectorant.

The effects caused by high fever.
It is a reaction of your body that can be due to infections, viruses, or bacteria. The symptoms are fatal since it can produce a lot of headache and muscle pain, as well as chills.

Use basil as an ally to combat fever symptoms.
Make an infusion with fresh basil leaves and boiling water. Let it rest for ten minutes and drink it during the day so that through the perspiration it will produce, you can reduce the effects of fever.

Urinary tract infection, to which women are much more prone.
Burning urination and pelvic pain are some of the most bothersome symptoms. But not only that, you must treat them in time so that they do not result in complications. In addition to drinking plenty of fluids and avoiding the use of irritating feminine products, you should consult your doctor.

Drink horsetail tea, as it is diuretic and relaxing of your urinary passages.
Before taking it, you should be aware that it has some contraindications, so it is important that you ask for authorization from your doctor. It is recommended in herbal medicine as an infusion, or you can also find it in capsules or tablets.

Joint pain in knees, elbows, and wrists.
In addition to pain, it is evident that it can reduce your quality of life. Regardless of the disease that is causing it, the inflammation of your joints is a factor that affects your day today.

Use rosemary to stimulate your circulation and decrease pain.
You can drink it as an infusion or as an alcohol preparation to rub it on your joints. Pour a handful of rosemary in a jar and add alcohol and let it rest for forty days in a cool, dark place, and then use it as a remedy.

Fluid retention that causes terrible edema in your feet.
If you consume too much salt, it is very likely that you suffer from it. However, there are also other causes that can cause it. Among the most common are hormonal changes and even the consumption of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Use natural diuretics like Boldo, except if you are pregnant because it is contraindicated.
This plant helps you eliminate toxins from the body. However, you should not abuse it and you should consume it with the authorization of your GP. It is purifying and protects the functions of your liver, in addition to relieving fluid retention.

The terrible acne that can be frustrating for the damage it causes to your appearance.
It's a terrible problem because those bumps and pimples can ruin even your self-esteem. And while it is not a serious health problem as such, it can leave scars if you don't take proper care of yourself.

Add to your treatment the use of arnica as a support in the care of your face.
There are many causes that can cause it, you must be extremely careful and hygienic because bacteria can proliferate and expand the problem. If you use arnica in ointment or sage, it will help you a lot because it has antiseptic properties.

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