

Vitamin D is one of the most important since it influences the functions of the human body and even in the prevention of diseases, by helping to strengthen the immune system. In times of social isolation, where we are less exposed to the sun's rays - one of the main sources that provide it - it can become one of the most difficult vitamins to obtain naturally. But fortunately, it is in some foods, so now more than ever its consumption is recommended in adequate doses for good health. Here we tell you what to do to maintain optimal levels of vitamin D in your body according to your age, following the advice of specialists.

Vitamin D is not produced by the body, so we must look for alternatives to obtain it. It helps calcium absorption, being essential for the bone system, as well as the teeth. In addition, it is found in some foods such as salmon, sardines, tuna, and egg yolk. Therefore, it is important to include these products in your diet in the recommended portions.

In this way you will avoid the propensity for diseases such as rickets and osteoporosis, caused in part by a lack of vitamin D. According to a study by the National Library of Medicine in the United States, "insufficient vitamin D affects almost 50 % of the world population ", which is saying a lot since it is a billion people around the planet. Therefore, we must be prepared to take care of our immune system. By making some changes to your eating habits you can achieve this.

1. Learn to distinguish the amount of vitamin D you require.
For these figures, we take as data what the specialists say. "According to the United States Institute of Medicine, older adults require 800 IU (International Units of Medicine) per day. For children age 1 and older, as well as adults up to age 70, the dose is 600 IU. In the case of babies under one year of age, 400 IU daily should be consumed by vitamin D. "

2. The sun is the best source of vitamin D.
Sunlight is the best way to get vitamin D directly into the body, so it is important to take it daily for about 15 to 20 minutes. At that time you should not use sunscreen because you would be blocking this benefit. However, remember not to abuse the sun's rays, as they cause dangerous diseases such as skin cancer. Preferably sunbathe in the early morning or late afternoon, as you will be less exposed to ultraviolet rays.

3. Position yourself in front of an open window to receive these rays.
A good way to stimulate the production of vitamin D is to stand in front of an open window, in case you have no chance of leaving your home. Choose to place a chair there and dedicate yourself to receiving this good dose of vitamin D through the rays of the sun. Make sure the windows are open so there is no UV blockage and you achieve your purpose.

4. Learn how to use UV lamps.
Ultraviolet light lamps are an alternative for those who do not have direct sunlight. Ask your healthcare provider about the advantages of acquiring one and take into account that it should not be used for a long time since there is a risk of skin cancer. A 15-minute exposure will be more than enough to get vitamin D. Preferably you should wear protective eyewear when using this type of device.

5. Consume vitamin D through the yolk of the egg.
In case you did not know, vitamin D is present in the yolk of the egg, so it is beneficial to include it in your diet. A single egg contains 40 IU of this vitamin, as long as you eat the yellow part. Remember that this food has many health benefits.

6. Salmon is a very convenient food.
Salmon is one of the richest fish in vitamin D. In addition to its delicious flavor,
 it is a highly nutritious food. It is recommended to consume the one that is wild since its
 Vitamin D content is higher than those raised in ponds. A study of the
National Library of Medicine of the United States Institute of Health, determined that
 "Farmed salmon contains approximately 25% less vitamin D than salmon
wild ", so you should look at this figure when choosing which one to take to your

7. Notice how beneficial oysters and shrimp are.
If you are a seafood lover, you will be happy with this news. Shrimp are great allies when it comes to vitamin D, as 4 ounces will supply you with 40 percent of your daily body requirement. Raw oysters double this contribution to 80 percent of the recommended intake per day. So, from time to time you can afford to eat fabulous with recipes such as shrimp ceviche, while also taking care of your health with these delicacies from the sea.

Canned tuna is another great food to consider.
Canned tuna has great benefits, including the amount of vitamin D it contains, about 268 IU per 3.5 ounces. Easier to obtain than fresh tuna, it lasts longer and can be used in many appetizing recipes such as the tuna casserole with potatoes. You can also prepare it in salads and sandwiches, depending on your preference.

9. Canned sardines are a good source of vitamins and minerals.
Canned sardines are another superfood fish that is recommended to be kept in the pantry. They come ready to eat or add to recipes. It is even a product that is also included as part of the diet to lose weight. It is worth noting that they are inexpensive, rich in iron and their vitamin D content is formidable. A 3.8-ounce can of sardines contains approximately 22 percent of the recommended daily allowance.

10. Beef liver contains vitamin D.
Beef liver has many nutritional properties due to its high content of iron and vitamins such as A, B and C. As for vitamin D, consumption of 3.5 ounces cooked provides approximately 50 IU of vitamin D. Learn to prepare it with the onion so you can taste a different dish and full of flavor.

11. Mushrooms are an excellent option to obtain vitamin D.
Speaking of foods that are carriers of Vitamin D we must consider fungi or mushrooms. Preferably the dissected ones, since they have been subjected to ultraviolet light and have higher amounts of this vitamin. Consider adding them to your pasta, salad, and omelet sauces for a gourmet-style dish.

12. Fortified milk helps with vitamin D.
Many of the milk we consume comes fortified with vitamin D, as the container points out. Even varieties like almond milk or soy milk that you get at the supermarket have this added. About 8 ounces of milk will give you around 100 IU of vitamin D. You should also know that yogurt is another dairy product that contains it, although in less quantity.

13. Orange juice can also be fortified.
When you go shopping for orange juice, make sure the label says it's been fortified with vitamin D. It will be a great way to consume it while refreshing yourself and eating some fruit. Studies reveal that an 8-ounce glass of orange juice will usually provide around 100 IU of vitamin D.

14. Buy fortified cereals for kids to get vitamin D.
Children and youngsters are generally fascinated by cereal and combined with milk, it can be a double contribution of vitamin D, provided it is fortified cereal. Give it to your children at breakfast, as a snack or at dinner and you will see how you contribute to their good nutrition.

15. Cod liver oil is wonderful.
Cod liver oil is a very beneficial nutritional supplement for health. It is surprising to know that just one teaspoon provides 450 IU of vitamin D, a fairly high amount. To disguise its strong flavor and aroma, buy a version with fruit flavors or if you prefer, choose to consume it in capsules.

16Vitamin supplements are another option.
Apparently, the capsules are presented as another alternative to acquire vitamin D. But remember that they are not regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so there is no guarantee that they contain the vitamins they offer on the label. The best alternative will always be sunbathing in adequate doses and consuming foods rich in vitamin D.

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