

Cough is part of the soundtrack for most of the year. In winter it announces that a virus or bacteria has taken up residence in our body. In spring, it is also necessary to add the possibility of allergies. The same thing happens in the fall. In summary, I could give it an infinity of reasons and at any time. That doesn't mean we have to run out to buy medicine. Our grandmothers have years of experience handling this with the help of nature.

First of all, it should be clear that you should never ignore the recommendations of the doctors or even that little inner voice that tells you to call the doctor. But if you want to first try to cure yourself with natural remedies, those that are known to work, here are the best, which have been passed down from generation to generation.

As if that were not enough, these are remedies that in addition to ending the cough, will help you feel much better and in some cases, will raise your defenses and even improve your overall health. Don't forget that they have survived over the years because they really help. The best thing is that surely you have many of these ingredients in your kitchen.

Local honey is almost magical.
Taking two tablespoons slowly will help you control your cough, with the added benefit that since it is an antibacterial agent, it will help you fight any incipient infection that you want to hit your throat. Honey, moreover, when it comes from local honeycombs, is wonderful for fighting allergies.

Hot compresses do work.
Try the compresses with or without Vicks VapoRub. The heat helps the blood vessels to dilate and the phlegm to flow. This, combined with breathing exercises and an effort not to spend much time lying down, will help you control your cough and prevent the situation from worsening and discomfort from becoming a serious illness.

A very hot shower will make your soul return to your body.
But it will also allow steam to penetrate your airways, hydrating them and helping to lower inflammation. If you put aromatic herbs such as mint or eucalyptus in the shower, the process will be faster and more pleasant. In addition, you will have skin and hair smelling delicious.

Peppermint tea is delicious and very effective against coughs.
Rather, it will give you a psychological sensation of freshness and will help reduce mucus in the airways thanks to its antifungal power.

It's not the most pleasant thing, but chewing garlic works.
Garlic is one of the most powerful antibacterial agents we have in nature. Besides helping you fight infection, it is a natural expectorant, so it will help you get rid of the mucus that complicates your lungs. Of course, make sure everyone in the house does the same, or isolate yourself because breath is fatal.

Herb Radish Smoothie is great against dry coughs.
It can also be taken grated in a tablespoon of honey. Radish helps control mucus and reduce the buildup of phlegm in your lungs, which is what makes you cough and can complicate the situation if infected. In addition, it has antioxidant properties, and here is a recipe that helps.

Onion has antibacterial properties.
The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities of onion are very effective in the upper respiratory tract, where phlegm accumulates, causing many of the coughs of colds. It can not only be eaten with food and puree. You can also put it in plaster and place it on the chest.

Thyme tea is relaxing.
Not only does it help the nerves, but it will relax your respiratory system, as it will help you reduce your cough a lot, so your lungs will rest for a while. This will allow you to sleep well, which is very important to restore your immune system and recover quickly.

Ginger is wonderful.
In the case of cough, ginger is the ideal ingredient to open the airways, which will help reduce cough. In addition, it has antihistamine and anti-congestion qualities. In addition, it will help you have more oxygen, which will automatically make you feel much better.

The Cruz or licorice root is present in many syrups.
In English, it is known as licorice and gets into candy and works as a lubricant for

 the respiratory tract. That is why it is used in many medicinal products to relieve
cough. To consume it naturally, just make a tea with the sticks,
or even suck on them. You will see that it works better than a menthol candy.

Turmeric is in fashion.
There is a very good reason for the word "turmeric" to be seen everywhere, which is the English name of this root that is so beneficial to our health. One of its most powerful properties is to work as an anti-inflammatory, which will prevent the lungs from continuing to irritate.

But the best remedy of all is to rest.
Drink as many fluids as you can and stay at rest as much as you can, change positions often, and remember that the lungs are at the back of the chest. Take a deep breath at least 5 times in a row every hour. So your body will be able to handle the congestion and have the strength to recover.

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