

On one occasion, a person jokingly told me that he would give everything to find the perfect medicine that would help him sleep better, take away the stress, the exhaustion of the day, that would allow him to overcome his bad habits (he smoked a lot) and also It will help you have more energy and focus. I remember that at that moment I went to my bookcase, took a yoga book, showed it to him, and said: "Granted." And is that the benefits of this wonderful practice or discipline, are totally healing for the body, mind, and emotions. When you give yourself the opportunity to experience it, you will notice the gift you are giving to your organism, since you will feel vital, in balance and also face life in another way because you will find your inner peace.

Yoga poses will help you overcome your physical limits. Each position also represents a specific pressure on an organ that is simultaneously massaged. Your blood circulation improves as a large amount of oxygen reaches your cells and your mind manages to find the balance it needs for you to live happily. So imagine what you give your body when you practice it.

In fact, I tell you that many doctors recommend it as a supplement to your prescription for medications. This is because science has realized that in addition to being an ancient practice, it also helps you in the recovery process from many diseases.

Remember that you should always consume a doctor before starting any exercise regimen.

If you are overweight it will help you control your health and your figure.
Sometimes, many people have the mistaken idea that, due to being overweight, they could not practice postures and this is totally false. The routines can be designed according to your needs and little by little you will advance and notice changes in your weight and figure.

It is highly recommended if you have asthma because breathing increases your lung capacity.
All the postures that lift and widen the chest will help you promote full breathing. The cough, the difficulty you have in breathing, and the terrible pressure in your chest will reduce almost until they disappear if you are constant in practice.

It helps you combat constipation and the terrible abdominal discomfort it causes you.
Did you know that 12% of the world population suffers from this disorder? Exercises like sun salutation, inverted postures, and torsion asanas massage your digestive system and greatly help you to eliminate waste.

If you are diabetic or have a predisposition, practicing yoga helps you regulate your glucose levels.
Twisting and leaning backward tone the pancreas. In fact, the regulation of heart rate and all the stress that is fought through this practice has healthy effects on regulating glucose.

It helps a lot if you have varicose veins on the legs and also improves its appearance.
All that blood that accumulates in your legs also causes pain and it is necessary to circulate it. When you practice yoga, you stimulate circulation, especially in inverted postures. In addition, it also tones the muscles of your legs.

Strengthens your immune system when your defenses are low.
When your body is under defenses it is more susceptible to diseases, then viruses and bacteria take advantage. Yoga poses stimulate the lymph nodes, thymus, and vessel, which are closely related to the proper functioning of antibodies.

You will be able to sleep much better and forget about terrible insomnia forever.
All yoga postures that require a lot of effort are invigorating and help you combat it. Leaning back is also important so you can sleep better. Do not forget that, if you also practice 10 minutes of meditation before sleeping, you will seal with a flourish.

You will definitely forget about the terrible pain caused by arthritis.
You need to find a qualified instructor and inform him about your problem so that he knows what exercises will favor you. The important thing is that you practice the postures dynamically so that you do not get hurt and do not keep them static for so long.

With some postures, you will definitely forget about the headache.
Because it is a discipline that produces both mental and body relaxation,
 it totally frees you from the stress that can be the cause of your pain. Also,
deep controlled breathing will oxygenate your brain helping you revitalize your body.

It has many benefits that help you fight depression.
In addition to your treatment and diagnosis made by a health professional, you can practice yoga as a support tool. Because depression is caused by disorders in the neurochemistry of your brain, postures will bring you into balance.

Back pain is completely eliminated with some yoga poses.
All back pain requires a diagnosis by a specialist. Do not forget that the spine is delicate and it is important the authorization of your doctor to practice it. All standing postures and some twisting and tilting will help to ease the pain.

Great practice for cardiovascular conditions.
In addition to helping you decrease the risk factors that develop them, it reduces cholesterol levels and balances blood pressure. It is suggested to combine it with aerobic exercise to lower the body mass index.

Yoga as a complementary treatment for cancer patients.
There are studies that endorse practicing yoga as a complement to traditional cancer treatments. This is because it helps mind control that reduces anxiety and depression. In addition to reducing the effects of radiation therapy.

It helps you decrease or prevent menstrual pain and disorders.
All postures that revitalize the pelvic area such as the back, forward and torsional leanings will help you avoid menstrual disorders. It is very important that, during your period, you do not make investments and that the postures are smooth, not very marked.

Practice it immediately so you can alleviate your anxiety problems.
When you feel constantly restless, you have nightmares, you have frequent palpitations and sometimes some obsessive thoughts, you need to relax as much as possible in order to regain your balance. I assure you that there is nothing better than practicing yoga daily to achieve it.

If you suffer from gastritis, practice yoga, and meditation frequently.
There are special postures and forms of breathing that will help you with all kinds of stomach problems. For example, breathe by putting your mouth in the shape of an “o”, inhaling and holding the air for 2 seconds and then exhaling.

Yoga as an excellent complementary treatment for fibromyalgia.
Some research claims that yoga practice reconfigures the responses of the central nervous system. This helps a lot to combat the terrible pains that are suffered from this disease. In addition to breathing better, elasticity and mobility also improve.

Yoga to combat the irritable colon and its terrible discomfort in the abdominal area.
Releasing tension in the abdomen area and improving digestive health are some of the immediate effects that you will notice in your body when you practice yoga. The inflammation and swelling go away immediately, give it a try and you will notice that it looks like magic.

If you have frequent problems with your kidneys, complement your medical treatment with yoga.
Inverted postures are a fundamental part of keeping your kidneys in perfect health, although you should always be with a qualified instructor to avoid damaging your back and especially your vertebrae.

Yoga to complement eating disorders.
The benefits of this practice encompass bodily and mental dimensions, which is why its results are excellent. The postures, the breaths, but above all the mental focus on health, help to overcome many disorders such as bulimia and anorexia.

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