

The fact that your little snore could have very important effects on his health. I tell you that there is research that states that children who are preschool age and snore regularly have a higher risk of manifesting behavioral problems such as hyperactivity or attention deficit. Check with me the causes.

It is very common to happen when they have some type of allergy-like rhinitis.
Nasal allergies prevent the passage of air and cause the noise of the characteristic vibration of snoring due to obstruction to breathe during sleep. The problem is that it can cause insomnia and apnea, so you should go to the allergist.

It may be due to a cold or flu that has caused chronic mucus buildup.
Being a respiratory infection it blocks the natural way of breathing due to nasal congestion and if the effects become chronic like childhood sinusitis, snoring can become permanent too.

Childhood obesity causes neck tissue to press on the airways.
The sleeping position generates pressure and this in turn blocks harmonic breathing during sleep, the airways are narrowed and therefore you will have little restful sleep. If you have detected it as an important cause, you should go to the nutritionist.

Inflammation of the tonsils or they are larger than normal in your little one.
Whether they are inflamed by an infection or because they are anatomically larger, the tonsils may be obstructing the airways and therefore need to receive the appropriate treatment and suggested by the pediatrician.

Asthma can produce snoring accompanied by excessive coughing at night.
This can be terrible for your little one since his sleep is not deep due to cough and therefore the presence of apnea-seconds without breathing- generates a poor development in memory processes and cognitive abilities.

Due to a malformation in his nasal turbinates that generates an obstruction to breathe.
This abnormality in its structure requires the intervention of an otolaryngologist, who will tell you what to do and how to treat your child's problem and thus solve the problem.

Because someone smoked near your little one as a baby doing so during their first year of life.
According to some research, the mother who smokes during the first year of life of her little one doubles the risk that the child suffers from snoring or some respiratory disease. It is best to prevent your little ones from being around tobacco smoke.

Gastroesophageal reflux, which is when the acidic content of the stomach leaves the esophagus.
Gastric juice can reach the rhino pharynx until it touches the openings of the paranasal sinuses, causing inflammation that obstructs adequate oxygenation during sleep. This is a double discomfort for your little one since the gastric effect adds to bad sleep.

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