

Mothers, like a witch in a story, are said to cast spells on our children. Sometimes we inadvertently do so guided by what we believe to be "being a good mother," but in reality, we hurt their self-esteem and perhaps incapacitate them in their sense of security. Even if you think you're doing the best, take note because these are the types of mothers you shouldn't be.
A police mom who chases him from morning to night with messages seeking perfection.
If you question your child all the time with the intention of knowing what he did during the day and also ask him for perfection in everything, you are forgetting that you are raising a child who is just learning from life. It is natural that you make mistakes, do not judge it so much for that.

Detective mom who asks questions all day with the intention of discovering a mysterious secret that does not exist.
You are very strange. Why do not you smile? Why are you wearing the sweater inside out? Why do you breathe like this? Oh my God! Don't you realize that you suffocate it? It is natural that you care about your child but seeing the danger from all sides or wanting to control it will only generate distrust in everyone and in herself.

Mommy judge who looks like a magazine review specializing in behavior.
How bad you look, that color of shoes looks terrible, you look like a bum, how badly you moved to the school dance. In short, those mothers who only see the negative in their children and who do not recognize their achievements are creating a child who will not validate herself.

Mom who seems to come out of social magazines and who worries excessively about what they will say.
What will the neighbor say if she sees you combed like this? What are the moms going to say about your schoolmates if you laugh like that? If you have any of this you can cause a low self-concept in your child or it may only be based on external opinions and not on your own.

The mother who scolds her child in front of her friends or ridicules him in front of other people.
What don't you understand? Why did you get such bad grades? Don't you always snore when you sleep? Lack of sensitivity prevents them from seeing that they can cause embarrassment in their children. Do not make this mistake and look for the right moment to scold him, avoid doing it in front of others.

The mother who talks to other people about confidences or issues that are personal to the child.
Maybe your son talked to you about her day and with it, she builds trust in you. Perhaps their subjects seem tender, funny, or cute, but that does not give you the right to discuss them with anyone, much less if you do not have their authorization.

The mother who looks like a nurse and who carries the medicine cabinet everywhere in case the little one gets hurt.
It seems funny and it is, but if you see it on the serious side, I tell you that carrying the ambulance all the time carries the message of danger and that something is going to happen to it. It is a subtle way to predispose him to fear and exaggerated caution.

The derogatory mother for whom it is never enough and who is never pleased with anything.
You could have done better, that's fine but ... These are typical phrases of toxic mothers who always ask their children for more and more effort and do not even notice progress. With this, your child can be defeated or engage in obsessive behavior.

Mothers who do not set limits and stop guiding their children thinking that they should give them total freedom.
It is a way of not fulfilling the responsibility of being a mother. The children are not our friends and their training to be men and women of integrity in the future depends on mom and dad. Above all, they know how to set healthy limits with a respectful upbringing.

Mothers who blame them for everything bad that happens at home or around.
If it wasn't because you're always talking, they wouldn't scold you at school. If it weren't for being so lazy, you wouldn't get bad grades. Mamitas, these phrases are not the solution, it is much better to focus on solving the situation than on pinpointing or focusing on the problem.

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