

As with most things, the amount of water for each person is very individual, but if your urine is not only clear or you have any of the symptoms I mentioned above, chances are you are not getting enough H2O. Some suggest 8 (8 ounces) of glasses a day while others suggest taking your body weight (in pounds), dividing it in half, and drinking that much more. Listen to what your body needs.

If you don't care much about the taste of ... nothing, then you can add a splash of lemon, a splash of lime, a few sprigs of fresh mint or a cucumber or a slice of orange. It can even be so bold enough to add some berries or watermelon. What always makes you drink. Greetings to your good health!

The 10 best benefits of drinking water: do not medicate, hydrate!

1. increases energy and relieves fatigue
Since your brain is mostly water, drinking helps you think, focus, and focus better and be more alert. As an added bonus, your energy levels are boosted too!

2. promotes weight loss
Eliminates fat by-products, reduces food consumption (by filling your belly if consumed before meals), reduces hunger (hello natural appetite suppressant!), Increases your metabolism, and has zero calories!

3. cleans toxins
It gets rid of waste through sweat and urination, reducing the risk of kidney stones and UTI 's (urinary infections).

4. improves skin complexion
Moisturizes your skin, keeping it fresh, soft, shiny, and smooth. It gets rid of wrinkles. It's the best anti-aging treatment around!

5. maintains regularity
Aids in digestion like water is essential to digest your food and prevents constipation.

6. boosts the immune system
Any water gulper is normally not as likely to obtain sick.
 And who wouldn't prefer to feel healthy most of the time? Drinking plenty of water helps fight flu, cancer, and other ailments like heart attacks.

7. natural headache remedy
It helps to alleviate and prevent headaches (migraines and back pain too) that are commonly caused by dehydration.

8. prevents cramps and sprains
Adequate hydration helps keep joints lubricated and muscles more elastic so joint pain is less likely.

9. puts you in a good mood
When the body is working at its best, you will feel great and be happy!

10. Save money!
Water is free! Even if you choose bottled/filtered water, it is still cheaper than that high sugar and fat latte!

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