

High blood pressure is a dangerous condition that can affect the heart. It hurts one in three people in the United States and one billion people worldwide. If not controlled, it increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Fifteen remedies
But there is good news. There are a few things you can do to lower blood pressure naturally, even without medication.

1. Walk and exercise regularly
Regular exercise helps the heart become stronger and more efficient by pumping blood, which reduces pressure on the arteries. In fact, if you do 150 minutes of moderate exercise, such as walking, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, such as running, per week, your blood pressure will drop and your heart health will improve.
What's more, when you exercise more, blood pressure drops even further, according to the National Walker Health Study. Bottom line: Walking just 30 minutes a day can help lower blood pressure. More exercise helps reduce it further.

2. Reduce your sodium intake
Large amounts of salt are consumed worldwide. For this reason, many of the public health measures are aimed at reducing salt in the food industry. In many medical studies, salt has been linked to high blood pressure and cardiac events, such as stroke. One reason for this could be the differences between how people are genetically engineered to process sodium. About half of people with high blood pressure and a quarter of people with normal levels appear to have a sensitivity to salt.

If you already have high blood pressure, it's worth reducing your sodium intake to see if this makes a difference. You can swap processed foods with fresh ones and try flavoring with herbs and spices instead of salt. Bottom Line: Most guidelines for lowering blood pressure recommend reducing sodium intake. However, that recommendation could make more sense for people sensitive to salt.

3. Drink less alcohol
Drinking alcohol can increase blood pressure. 
While some research has suggested that low to moderate amounts of alcohol may protect the heart, these benefits may be offset by the negative effects.
In the United States, moderate alcohol consumption is defined as no more than one drink per day for women and two for men. If you drink more than that, reduce the amount.
Bottom line: Drinking alcohol in any quantity can increase your blood pressure. Limit consumption to no more than one drink a day for women, two for men.

4. Eat more foods rich in potassium
Potassium is an important mineral. It helps your body get rid of sodium and relieve pressure on blood vessels. Modern diets have increased the sodium intake of most people, and at the same time have decreased potassium intake. For a better balance between sodium and potassium, the diet should focus on eating fewer
 vegetables, especially green leaves, tomatoes, potatoes, and sweet potatoes
fruits, including melons, bananas, avocados, oranges, and apricots or apricots
dairies, such as milk and yogurt
tuna and salmon
Nuts and seeds
Bottom Line: Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, which are high in potassium, can help
 to lower your blood pressure.

5. Reduce caffeine
If you've ever had a cup of coffee before measuring your blood pressure, you'll know that caffeine causes an instant boost.
However, there isn't much evidence to suggest that consuming caffeine regularly can cause a lasting increase.
If you suspect that you are sensitive to caffeine, you should decrease its consumption to see if it lowers your blood pressure.
Bottom Line: Caffeine can cause a short-term increase in blood pressure,

6. Learn to manage stress
When you have chronic stress, your body is constantly in a fight or flight mode. On the physical level, this means a fast heart rate and narrow blood vessels.
When you are under stress, you may also be inclined to follow other harmful behaviors, such as drinking alcohol or eating unhealthy foods, which can negatively affect blood pressure.
Several studies have explored how stress reduction can help lower blood pressure. Here are two research-based tips that may come in handy:
Listen to relaxing music: Calm music can help relax the nervous system. Research has shown that it is an effective supplement to other high blood pressure therapies.
Work less: work hard, and stressful work situations are related to high blood pressure.
In conclusion: Chronic stress can contribute to high blood pressure.

7. Eat dark chocolate or cocoa
This is a tip that you will surely like to follow.
While eating large amounts of chocolate probably won't help your heart health, doing so in moderation can bring you benefits.
This is because dark chocolate and cocoa powder are rich in flavonoids, plant compounds that cause blood vessels to open (dilate).
A review of the studies found that flavonoid-rich cocoa had improved several short-term markers of heart health, including lowering blood pressure.
For best effects, the use of non-alkalized cocoa powder is suggested, which is especially high in flavonoids and has no added sugars.
 that help relaxes blood vessels, lowering blood pressure.

8. Lose weight
If you are overweight, losing weight can make a big difference to your heart health.
According to a 2016 study, losing 5% of body mass could significantly reduce high blood pressure.
In previous studies, the loss of 17 pounds (7.7 kg) was related to a decrease in systolic blood pressure by 8.5 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by 6.5 mm Hg.
.The effect is even greater when weight loss is combined with exercise.
Weight loss can help blood vessels do a better job of expanding and contracting, making it easier for the left ventricle of the heart to pump blood.
Bottom Line: Weight loss can significantly lower high blood pressure.
This effect is even greater when you exercise.

9. stop smoking
Among the many reasons to quit smoking is that this habit is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
Each puff of cigarette smoke causes a slight temporary rise in blood pressure. 
Surprisingly, studies have not found a conclusive link between smoking and high blood pressure. Perhaps this is because smokers develop tolerance over time.
Still, since both smoking and high blood pressure increase the risk of heart disease, quitting smoking can help reverse that risk.
Bottom line: There is conflicting research on smoking and high blood pressure, but what is clear is that both increase the risk of heart disease.

10. Eliminate added sugar and refined carbohydrates
In the Framingham studies of Women's health, women who drank even one soda per day had higher levels than those who drank less than one soda per day.
Another study found that drinking one drink with less sugar per day was linked to lower blood pressure.
And it's not just sugar, all refined carbohydrates, like the one found in white flour, quickly convert to sugar in the bloodstream and can cause problems.
Some studies have shown that low carbohydrate diets can also help lower blood pressure.
A study of people undergoing statin treatment found that those who followed a carbohydrate-restricted diet at six weeks saw a greater improvement in blood pressure and other markers of heart disease than people who did not follow a diet.
Bottom line: Refined carbohydrates, especially sugar, can increase blood pressure. Some studies have shown that low carb diets could help lower your levels.

11. Eat berries
Berries are full of more than just their juicy flavor.
They are also full of polyphenols, natural plant compounds that are good for the heart.
As part of a small study, middle-aged people were asked to eat berries for eight weeks.
Another study asked people with high blood pressure to follow a low-polyphenol diet or a high-polyphenol diet that contained berries, chocolate, fruits, and vegetables.
Those who consumed berries and foods rich in polyphenols experienced an improvement in heart disease risk markers.
Bottom Line: Berries are rich in polyphenols, which can help reduce blood pressure and the overall risk of heart disease.

12. Try meditation or deep breathing
While these two behaviors could also fall under the category of "stress reduction techniques," meditation and deep breathing deserve special mention.
Both meditation and deep breathing are believed to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. This system intervenes when the body relaxes, lowering the heart rate, and lowering blood pressure.
Some research has been done in this area through studies showing that different styles of meditation appear to have benefits in lowering blood pressure.
In one study, participants were invited to breathe deeply six times over the course of 30 seconds or simply to sit still for 30 seconds. In those who took the breaths, their blood pressure dropped more than in those who simply sat.
Try guided meditation or deep breathing. 
Bottom Line: Both meditation and deep breathing can activate the system
parasympathetic nerve, which helps decrease heart rate and lower pressure

13. Eat foods rich in calcium
Although calcium supplementation has not been reliably shown to lower blood pressure, diets rich in calcium appear to be related to healthy levels.
For most adults, the recommendation is 1,000 mg of calcium per day. For women over 50 and men over 70, it is 1,200 mg per day.
In addition to dairy products, you can get calcium from kale and other leafy green vegetables, beans, sardines, and tofu. Here we include a complete list.
In conclusion: Diets rich in calcium are linked to healthy blood pressure levels. You can get calcium from dark green leafy vegetables and tofu, as well as dairy products.

14. Take natural supplements
Some natural supplements can also help lower blood pressure. These are some of the main supplements for which there is the evidence:

Aged Garlic Extract - This extract has been used successfully as a standalone treatment and in conjunction with conventional blood pressure-lowering therapies.
Berberine: Traditionally used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, berberine can increase the production of nitric oxide, which helps lower blood pressure.

Fish Oil: Fish oil, which has long been credited with improving heart health, can benefit most people with high blood pressure.
Hibiscus: with hibiscus flowers, you can prepare tasty tea. They are rich in anthocyanins and polyphenols that are good for the heart and can lower blood pressure.
In conclusion: Several natural supplements have been investigated for their ability to lower blood pressure.

15. Eat foods rich in magnesium
Magnesium is an important mineral that helps relax blood vessels.
Although magnesium deficiency is quite rare, many people do not get enough.
Some studies have suggested that magnesium deficiency is linked to high blood pressure, but the evidence from clinical studies is unclear.
However, eating a diet rich in magnesium is a recommended way to avoid high blood pressure.
You can incorporate magnesium into your diet by consuming vegetables, dairy products, legumes, chicken, meat, and whole grains.
In conclusion: Magnesium is an important mineral that helps regulate blood pressure.
It is found in whole foods, such as legumes and whole grains.

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