

1. Drink water
With just a little dehydration your body stops working optimally. When you are dehydrated, your skin begins to degenerate, making it look dry, dull, and watery.

2. Eat foods high in antioxidants

Antioxidants are your body's strongest defense against disease, premature aging, and inflammation. The best sources of antioxidants are:
Blueberries (and all other red berries)
Goji berries
Purple grapes
Green tea and white tea
Free radicals accumulate in our bodies and are the common denominator of many diseases since they damage the structure of our cells. There are thousands upon thousands of antioxidants and phytochemicals (which is what gives fruits and vegetables their color) that help neutralize them. You need to consume a very large variety of antioxidants. Do not always eat the same because you will be missing out on important nutrients. Better vary fruits, vegetables, and cook a plate with a rainbow daily.

3.Fight inflammation

Inflammation has been associated with a wide range of diseases (Arthritis, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular problems, cancer, and all kinds of chronic diseases).In addition, it affects the quality of your skin, increases the visible signs of aging, including wrinkles, and makes you have more acne.

 What causes inflammation?
            Almost everything we like .. Allergies, stress, toxins, caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, sugar, saturated fats, and fried foods. The good news is that inflammation can be attacked with an anti-inflammatory diet that contains plenty of fruits and vegetables, omega-3 fish, garlic, ginger, sweet potato / sweet potato, seeds, whole grains (light brown bread doesn't count), eggs, olive oil, avocado, nuts, smoothies, vegetable juices, and superfoods.

4. Beware of excessive sun

Small amounts of the sun cause your body to make vitamin D (very important), but too much sun damages your skin. 15 minutes in the sun is fine and if not supplemented with vitamin D3. On the other hand, if you are going to stay longer, do not forget your lenses and sunscreen that use zinc or titanium dioxide.

5. Opt for natural beauty products

Most beauty products contain very strong chemicals. When you choose, check out the ingredients and become a detective. Today there are many great brands that use natural products. Remember, the skin absorbs a lot of what you put on it.

6. Your diet

Nutrition is the most important thing to build and repair each of your cells. The regeneration of healthy skin occurs every 3-5 weeks and your skin is built from your diet. If you only eat trash, your skin will look like a garbage can and the aging process will speed up.

Women with better skin quality than I know follow a very good diet. That does not mean that they live overwhelmed and eat nothing. It is about finding a balance and taking food that comes from nature. No processed garbage loaded with preservatives and chemicals. When we talk about food, the rules are super simple: the less adulterated, the better the food. If you like apples, it seems perfect to eat them, but don't eat a pop tart or an apple-flavored muffin (which has nothing in it). If you like chicken, that's fine, but don't buy a chicken riddled with antibiotics and hormones, then sliced and packaged with preservatives.

7. Alcohol

More than a glass of wine daily destroys your face, dehydrates you, inflames you, promotes the destruction of collagen at the hands of sugar (alcohol = sugar, sugar = obesity, aging, and disease) and also kills your liver. What if your liver doesn't work? Your skin will look very bad.

8. Smoking is no longer cool (that is, not cool)

Just quit smoking. It is very bad for you, very bad for the people around you, and, more than anything, it is a serial killer for your skin. It causes free radical damage, dries, and ages your skin. In addition, it reduces the circulation of blood in your face (so there will be less oxygen) and increases toxicity (which can be seen in the form of pimples or welts). As if that were not enough, it causes your lips to wrinkle permanently, it makes your skin turn gray, and, in case you still don't know, there is not the slightest doubt that it causes cancer.

For all those weekend smokers,
a recent study showed that occasional smokers suffer a decrease in all its cardiovascular functions for a week. All these toxins do not leave your body (nor that of the poor man sitting next to you who does not smoke) with an exhalation, they stay for many days. So if you smoke every Saturday night, that makes you have a reduction of vital processes all the time. POINT.

9. Beware of Public Enemy Number 1

Sugar damages collagen and elastin which will contribute to wrinkles. Sugar is a wonderful formula for aging fast. When I talk about sugar, I am not just referring to the white powder that you put on your coffee in the morning, but to everything that has white flours, pastes, honey, fruit juices, soft drinks, and especially everything that contains high-corn syrup. fructose (think of the coke in front of you). Sugar creates inflammation and also adheres to skin collagen, resulting in a series of reactions that will eventually form wrinkles.

10. Eat good fats

Go ahead with avocado, olive oil, flaxseed, seeds, nuts, and fish that contain omega 3 (the farm ones do not have). Eliminate trans fats or hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, since they oxidize everything and your skin is not saved.

11. Clean your body

The accumulation of toxins in your body causes short and long-term damage. A detox program (the more juices the better) is important since your body will be able to use all the energy it normally spends to digest to cleanse, repair, and rejuvenate.
Your skin is not only the largest organ, but also has its function in the detoxification process, it is not the star of this process, since the intestines are the ones that do the heavy lifting, but if your digestion is not correct, you Skin will act like a very angry and irritated teenager and then pimples and wrinkles will break out.
Tip: Drink a glass of water with lemon or apple cider vinegar because it helps a lot to alkalinize and detoxify.

12. Manage stress

High levels of stress cause raging hormones to skyrocket. Try to do yoga, meditate, massage yourself, any activity that helps you to alleviate stress.

13. Beauty Sleep

Your skin regenerates when you are asleep. Make sure you sleep 7-9 hours a day. Sleep is the best anti-aging cream that exists. Not sleeping affects your mood and your health. Humans with a very rare disease known as "fatal familial insomnia" will die within a few months. Sleeping is not a luxury, it is a human need. This must be your number one priority if you want to improve your skin and health.

14. Move

Exercise increases the circulation of oxygen and nutrients in your body. Eliminates toxins through sweat which makes your skin firmer and cleaner.

15. Supplements

With the help of a professional see what supplements can help you. Some examples are resveratrol, formulas with antioxidants, MSM, vitamin E, Vitamin C (CAMU CAMUUUU), and others but it is better to see it with a professional since not all supplements are neither good nor good quality.

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