

Black tea is one of those drinks that is hardly requested by people due to its intense flavor, but when you try it, it makes you automatically fall in love with it because, compared to coffee or energy drinks, it activates your body and stimulates if damaging the heart, on the contrary, makes blood flow better to our brain.

It comes from the same plant as green tea, Camellia si ness, but it goes through a four-stage elaboration process, wilting, rolling, fermenting, and drying, its main characteristics in addition to the intense flavor is its dark color and strong smell.

This drink is not only a natural energizing infusion, but it is also very healthy and helps lower stress by reducing cortisol levels; for reasons like this you should to know the benefits of black tea and everything it has to contribute to your health, so you will no longer find any excuse not to take it.


1. If you are one of those people who tend to forget things like where you left your keys or things like that, you should know that among the great properties and benefits of black tea is that it will help you keep your mind alert.
2. It will facilitate concentration.
3. It will strengthen your learning and your long and short-term memory will improve.
4. It will streamline the way you process information.
5. The antioxidants it has to protect your body inside and out.

6. Thanks to the polyphenols that it provides, the tea is responsible for granting flavonoids that can delay or prevent damage to our cells that are exposed daily to so-called free radicals such as poor diet, environmental contamination, chemicals, radiation, among others.
7. It also has the ability to stimulate the immune system and thus prevent countless diseases.
8. If you ingest it regularly it will defend you against infections and viruses like the flu, stomach problems like diarrhea or gastritis.
9. Protect your skin from premature aging.
10Keeps your hair healthy, strong, and shiny.

11. The chances of suffering from cancer are minimal thanks to flavonoids; in women, it reduces the risk of getting ovarian or breast cancer.
12. Improves blood circulation, since flavonoids improve the dilation and contraction capacity of our blood vessels.
13. Reduce the chances of a heart attack or myocardial infarction.
14. The risk of your arteries hardening is less.
15. The risk of having a stroke is minimal.

16. It lowers cholesterol, thus helping to prevent poor circulation.
17. It is good for people with high blood pressure and inflammations.
18. Reduces the absorption of sugar, which helps prevent diabetes.
19. If you are looking to lose weight, you should drink black tea, since it gives you the feeling of being satisfied, helping to calm hunger.
20. It is low in calories and sodium, stimulates the metabolism, eliminates the excess fluid that accumulates and purifies, and eliminates bad toxins.

21. Manage Stress better thanks to L-theanine that helps you relax and focus, reducing the stress hormone Cortisol.
22. It improves digestion due to Tannins, which have a therapeutic effect on intestinal or gastric pain.
23. Prevents the formation of caries since it has fluoride and strengthens the enamel of the teeth.
24. Strengthens bones due to a large number of phytochemicals.
25. It helps prevent Parkinson's due to Theine.

26. Decreases kidney stones.
It is advisable to always drink black tea in moderation, since drinking more than three cups a day eliminates the properties and benefits that it brings you and could bring side effects for you such as headache, sleep problems, ringing in the ears, and confusion.

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