

Apart from being a rich source of Vitamin C, lemon has many benefits for the body if you take it on an empty stomach dissolved in lukewarm water. Discover them!
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Macarena Orte
Among the benefits of lemon, two stand out: its antibacterial power and weight loss thanks to its digestive properties. Lemons contain citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene (a substance that helps the immune system and fights infections).

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To benefit from all the properties of lemon water, it should be taken on an empty stomach and with warm water, since cold water is assimilated worse. Squeezing half a lemon in a glass of water will be enough to achieve all these results:

1. It improves our digestion. It helps us eliminate toxins and our liver produces essential bile for our digestion.

2. Powerful diuretic. Lemon increases the amount of urine in our body helping us to eliminate toxins.

3. It improves our immune system. Vitamin C is a great ally against colds.

4. Regulates PH levels. Lemon's ascorbic and citric acid help alkalinize our blood. For our body to function properly we must have an alkaline PH. Drinking lemon water regularly will remove the acidity from our bodies.

5. Cleanses the skin. The antioxidant properties of lemon vitamin C will keep us young and with fresh skin.

6. It gives us energy and improves our mood. The lemon essence has energizing properties and can reduce our anxiety and depression.

7. It helps us to recover faster. Lemon ascorbic acid is an essential nutrient for keeping bones strong.

8. Refresh our breath. In fact, it is advised that you do not brush your teeth right after drinking lemon water.

9. Hydrate your lymphatic system. The water and lemon juice support the immune system by hydrating it and replacing the fluids lost by our body.

10. It helps to lose weight. lemons are rich in pectin fiber, which fights hunger for cravings. Studies show that people who maintain an alkaline diet have an easier time losing weight faster.

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