

In case you didn't know, emotions and food go hand in hand. And I'm almost sure that you rob the fridge unlimitedly and without restrictions. Spending all the time in the kitchen is not only a matter of boredom, but it is also actually an "unhealthy" mechanism for coping with the stress you live through the uncertainty of this chaotic stage. This makes you perhaps live isolation from frustration, worry, and even from anguish. One way to alleviate the psychological impact of spending too much time at home can be with food, feeling it as a resource that gives you security against so much disorientation. Being at home has its favorable side, however, the not so favorable side is the state of alert and permanent survival before everything that is happening around it and that can lead you to eat compulsively to find the relief and caloric reserve that you think you need before a moment of lack.

Observe yourself clearly and do not deceive yourself, if you are eating excessively, even if you are not hungry, if you are looking for a way to fill your emotional lack of control with food, and even if you are eating foods with a high-calorie content in a very constant way, you should make the decision to stop. These "extra" permissions you give yourself can be harmful in the long run.

Do not use food as an escape route, do not allow your food intake to be impulsive and uncontrolled. What you require at this time, is to nourish yourself healthily in a matter of food, but you also need to take advantage of the opportunity to nourish yourself emotionally by finding yourself at this stage of your stay at home. Check out these tips that may work for you.

Every morning, talk to your body and say: I know what you want, but I also know what you need.
It is a way of caring for yourself. Your body can tell you that it wants you to fill it with sweet food, fried foods, snacks, and unhealthy foods. However, you can take control if you repeat this phrase with conviction. One way to show self-love is to be demanding of yourself when you require it. This is where you will test your perseverance and willpower.

Do not deny yourself the anguish or stress you are feeling, you must have your moments of discharge in a space just for you.
It is one thing to learn to relax and quite another to suppress emotions. Although it is true that you should not collapse in front of your children because you would scare them or infect them with your stress. It's also important that you make a healthy retreat so that in a space at home where you are away from everyone, you can scream, dance, cry, hit a cushion. That way you won't run to the fridge.

Reduce your sugar intake, and if you can eliminate it completely, you can do it progressively.
This is one of the most difficult decisions, I know. Cravings as delicious as cupcakes, sweets, cookies, chocolates, are the ones that appear the most in your head like a mirage of water in the middle of the desert. And it is that the carbohydrate is sought to compensate for the lost energy. It's because your survival mechanisms for storage get going.

Control your distorted thoughts of the day with positive affirmations.
This may be the product of the bombardment of news that you may be receiving and that turn into catastrophic thoughts that invade you in a fraction of seconds. The problem is that a thought has an impact on the body and therefore on your health. So choose to connect with positive affirmations after you've done your download exercises.

Stop associating food with calm, pleasure, satisfaction or comfort, use other tools such as meditation.
To achieve this, it is important that you have these moments of calm with other strategies. Mindfulness or meditation can be an excellent option in moments when you are attacked by the anxiety of compulsive eating. Breathe and repeat the phrase I suggested in the first point, and then, do about five minutes of meditation.

You should fill your refrigerator with healthy foods so that you are not tempted.
Nothing better than preparing yourself psychologically to order the foods you know they are
healthy and that will help you have a proper way to nourish yourself. The temptation will be
 great so you can make your pantry healthy one week yes and the next week
 Give yourself a little permission by asking for a little craving.

Feed yourself by strengthening your immune system, it is a way to find calm knowing that you are giving defenses to your body.
We know that there is a wide variety of foods and it is important that you take advantage of what nature provides us to feel healthy and emotionally calm. Right now foods that contain vitamin C and vitamin B are ideal. You can even have vegetable snacks that provide these benefits and instead of eating junk food, replace it with healthy snacks.

In the daily coexistence with the family you need to put distance, but make sure that this distance is not in the kitchen.
Confinement with the family can raise your stress levels and therefore you are tempted to retreat to the kitchen to eat, seeking false tranquility through it. So when you require personal space, stay away from the kitchen. Better go out in the garden for a while or walk around your house.

Don't take up food to connect with memories of loved ones from a distance.
The best thing is that you make a call or video call, that you listen to their voice, that they share a moment of coexistence, even if it is at a distance. If you miss them, you should tell them and not take refuge in the food that reminds you of them to feel close. Sometimes an ice cream or dessert that Mom made can remind you of it. Better contact her.

Sometimes we eat too sweet for a great feeling of loneliness, so before opening the refrigerator, call a good friend.
Being moments of uncertainty, and especially moments in which as mothers we must maintain calm and sanity in front of our children, we can suddenly feel empty of company or loneliness in the face of the world crisis. Talk to your best friend, let off steam and share how you feel.

Establish a routine by making a weekly menu that is healthy for everyone at home.
Remember that one of the problems of anxiety is uncertainty and that puts you in a vicious circle of compulsive eating. It is necessary that you give yourself certainty with a set menu. With this, you will know what are the foods that correspond to each day and this will give you structure and you will feel less stressed.

Do not forget that sport and exercise are the cure for all ills, exercise at home.
Since we know that compulsive eating is more out of anxiety than real hunger, there is no better way to eradicate such anxiety than exercise - as famous people do. You know that the benefits that this will bring you will be multiple since it will give you the tranquility you need and the rest that will free you from stress. Movement and action will give you the necessary shock to find the relief you need.

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