

Your smile is your main cover letter. That is why the health of your teeth is so important, because, beyond aesthetics, a healthy mouth helps you avoid expensive treatments. You must be aware of them like any other part of your body and give them the care they deserve.

From a young age, parents, grandparents, teachers, and the dentist, of course, emphasize oral health habits and how sweets are the worst enemy to teeth. Perhaps now as an adult, you may not eat as many, but you do drink the equivalent in cups of coffee or glasses of wine. Both habits are lethal for the color of your teeth.

On the other hand, although citrus fruits are healthy, abusing them interferes with the process of achieving a beautiful smile. I invite you to review the following list of habits and assess whether they are part of your lifestyle. This will also reduce your visits to the dentist.

Hard candies with high sugar content that can break or chip your teeth.
They are a temptation since you can win the urge to bite them. But exposing your teeth to direct contact with sugar and chewing it can weaken the structure of your teeth and fill you with cavities, so it is best to consume them moderately.

Popcorn that by its carbohydrates and sugars produce lactic acid that damages your teeth.
This acid is formed by the combination of germs and sugars in just 7 minutes after you chewed them! The deterioration in your teeth can be chilling in a matter of minutes so I suggest you carry your toothbrush everywhere.

Carbonated or carbonated beverages that deeply damage the enamel of your teeth.
In addition to damaging your overall health, the main impact is on your entire teeth as gas and sweetener attack the enamel making them much more sensitive. Take into account that they greatly affect your bones and the cardiovascular system.

Red wine in excess since it stains your enamel notoriously and also wears it out.
We know how delicious it is but I recommend a moderate consumption since this wine has pigments that can stain your teeth as well as wear them out.

Chewing ice that, although it does not contain sugar, can make your teeth extremely sensitive.
There are those who have the addiction of chewing ice - perhaps because of the sensation it produces - but it is a bad habit that although it seems harmless, it is more harmful than you think, especially for the enamel of your teeth.

Consume ketchup frequently since its acetic acid can gradually pierce your teeth.
Its components, such as vinegar in combination with this acid, can deteriorate your teeth to the point of causing major perforations. Its moderate consumption is recommended and brush your teeth immediately.

Drinking too much coffee because it stains your teeth and causes weakness due to its high acid content.
Another delicious drink that is added to the list. The point is not to overdo it and look for ways to replace it with teas and drink a bottle of water after each cup and thus reduce the PH.

Exaggeration in the intake and consumption of citrus fruits because they are so acidic for your teeth.
They can definitely erode your enamel and even make them susceptible to tooth decay. Try to alternate its consumption with natural water and get its benefit in vitamin C without damaging your teeth.

Dehydrated fruits that due to their sticky consistency can remain on your teeth for a long time.
Again brushing your teeth and having perfect hygiene after you consumed them, is the solution to your cravings. It is not a matter of not eating them but of removing the residues from your teeth immediately to avoid damage.

Snacks like potato chips for their high salt content that will attack your teeth.
Its high starch content can get trapped between your teeth and the salt can damage the outer layer and gradually make pores. It is best to floss to remove any residue and brush your teeth immediately.

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