

Many of us realize as we accumulate years, how important it is to have good dental hygiene, which goes far beyond brushing our teeth three times a day.

Unfortunately, many of us learn late that a price is paid for the bad habits we have had during our youth. However, it is never too late to apply ourselves and, above all, to instill in our little ones the value of taking care of their teeth, even when they still have their baby teeth.

Here are some tips to get you started as soon as possible:

1. Don't wait for teeth to come out. You can start by cleaning your baby's mouth even before her first tooth comes in by running a damp (very clean) cloth across her gums. Always with the doctor's approval.

2. Schedule your first visit to the dentist soon. For when your little one is one year old, it is a good time to visit the dentist. A report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cited by the aforementioned portal, found that dental costs can be reduced by up to 40% in a five-year period, for children who visited the dentist before 5 years old.

3. Brush twice a day. You have to brush your teeth as soon as they come out. The best thing is to do it twice a day with water or special paste for children.

4. Nothing to eat or drink before bed. After brushing your teeth and before bed, it is best not to eat food or drink anything other than water.

5. Remove the bottle on time. Allowing little ones to nap or go to sleep with a bottle full of juice, milk, or any sweet drink can make them more prone to cavities, says WebMD. If you still can't remove the bottle to sleep, fill it only with water.

6. Be careful with juices. Many parents think that juices are a healthy option for their little ones to drink during the day, but this is not always the case. These sugar-filled drinks could promote obesity and cavity formation. Mary Hayes, a pediatric dentist, points out that little ones should drink no more than 4 ounces (113.4 g) of 100% natural juice a day and that sweet drinks should only be taken with food.

7. Have him start drinking in a glass. Many parents use infant cups to make the transition from the bottle to the glass, however, prolonged use of these can promote tartar formation behind the teeth if sweet drinks are taken, says dentist Beverly Largent on WebMD.

8. Suspend pacifier at 2 or 3 years. Many doctors prefer to avoid using a pacifier, others think it is acceptable for babies, as they can help prevent sudden infant death syndrome. However, everyone agrees that its prolonged use can cause dental problems.
Remember that before making changes in your baby's hygiene or feeding habits, you should consult a health specialist.

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