

Garlic is considered a superfood for its many nutritional properties as well as for its positive health effects, both to prevent and treat various pathologies. In addition to being a pampered and flavorful ingredient in gastronomy, it can be consumed in different forms in order to make the most of its vitamins and nutrients. It is a plant product considered by many to be miraculous.
Surely you have already heard about the properties of garlic, especially in its natural form. It is ideal for the prevention and treatment of coronary and brain diseases and as a powerful cholesterol reducer. Even its digestive and kidney benefits have been proven and it improves the body's immune system. Its iron content is recommended to treat conditions such as anemia. In addition, it favors skincare as it is an antioxidant.

It also helps to combat some types of cancer such as that of the digestive system, making it a great ally when it comes to achieving optimal nutrition. Athletes gain greater physical performance from eating garlic, and women can achieve desired bone health. Take advantage of all the health benefits that come from consuming garlic. We tell you how to do it!

Garlic contains allicin, a super healing compound.
Garlic contains a sulfur compound called allicin, which is credited with all the healing properties, preventing bad cholesterol, coronary heart disease, and some types of cancer. This compound, which is derived from alliin, is produced by crushing, chewing, or cutting the vegetable.

Its high nutritional value has health benefits.
One serving of garlic contains the recommended daily allowance of 23% Manganese, 17% Vitamin B6, 15% Vitamin C, 6% Selenium, and 1 gram of fiber, plus calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin B1 in the least amount. A considerable contribution to health that can be included in the daily diet.

Conveniently lowers cholesterol levels
One of the risk factors for heart disease is cholesterol, and the consumption of garlic, either raw or in supplement, can decrease total cholesterol and LDL - bad cholesterol - by 10 and 15%. It also lowers high triglycerides, favoring the control and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

It has beneficial antioxidant properties for the brain.
Scientific studies maintain that the consumption of garlic supplements increases the production of antioxidant enzymes in humans, promoting cell renewal and brain health. Therefore, it helps prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia, as well as delaying aging.

It lowers blood pressure avoiding major health problems.
High blood pressure is one of the main causes of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks or strokes. Specialized studies have shown that the consumption of garlic supplements can decrease these levels, and at the same time be as effective as drugs. Always remember to consult with a specialist.

It is a natural remedy against the common flu.
Even the common flu can be overcome by more than 60 percent with garlic consumption, in addition to shortening the duration of symptoms considerably. If you are one of those who gets a cold very often, consider including garlic in your diet on a regular basis and you will see its beneficial effects on your immune system.

It favors bone health in women.
Although this has not been 100% confirmed, as clinical studies continue, experts assume that the consumption of garlic could increase estrogen levels in women, and therefore benefit the health of their bones in the long term, achieving the same stay strong and healthy.

Improves athletic performance and reduces fatigue.
Recent research has shown that the consumption of garlic improves physical performance in people with heart deficiencies, as well as can reduce fatigue caused by exercise. Experts continue to delve into this area that has great benefits for athletes or those who love regular physical activity.

It is a powerful anticancer agent.
The National Cancer Institute does not recommend any dietary supplement to prevent cancer, but its studies maintain that garlic is a vegetable with possible anticancer properties. This is due to its antibacterial abilities to block processes that could develop the said disease, which claims so many lives each year in the United States.

It benefits your skin for being antioxidant and fights acne.
Garlic is used for everything, even to achieve a radiant epidermis. Thanks to its great antioxidant properties, your skin will also see in this food a great ally of health and beauty. Garlic contributes to cell renewal, managing to control acne. Consume it regularly and you will have young and smooth skin, according to what is indicated by specialists in the field of cosmetics.

It is a natural antibiotic.
Through a study, Wright State University showed that garlic is one percent as effective as penicillin in treating infections. Especially garlic consumed raw. It is important that you consult with your doctor, before thinking about replacing it with any prescription medication.

Take into account its enormous digestive power.
For its part, the University of Pennsylvania, in a more recent study, determined that consuming a portion of garlic once a week could reduce the risk of colon cancer by 50%, in addition to attacking diseases of the digestive system usually. So its consumption is highly recommended for this purpose.

It fights anemia due to its high iron content.
Garlic is included among the recommended foods to combat anemia, due to its iron content and because it stimulates gastric acids, benefiting its absorption. One raw garlic a day is enough to treat iron deficiencies in the body. Since 100 milligrams of garlic contains 9 percent of the recommended daily intake.

It works as a fungicide and antiviral.
The healing potential of garlic seems to have no limits, as it has been proven to fight fungi and infections, and is also a natural anti-inflammatory. In patients with immunosuppressive diseases, it helps to keep the immune system strengthened. HIV patients who consume 5 cloves of garlic a day manage to stabilize their defensive activity in the body to a great extent.

It promotes the health of the kidney system.
It has been determined that consuming raw garlic, especially on an empty stomach, is a perfect scrubber for the body, eliminating toxins. Its allicin content influences the health of organs such as the liver, kidneys, and bladder, thus preventing kidney-type diseases, including infections. It also helps cure constipation and serves as a dewormer. If you have questions, discuss it with your GP before taking it.

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