

When it comes to sex, we all feel like gurus at this point in the game. But the last time I discussed these rugged topics with a man, he released a piece of information that left me speechless. So much so that I had to "google" it to find out that it was true.
Well yes ladies, there are some facts about the male body that not all of us know, especially what it has to do with sperm and how it works. One who believed that the body of the knights was so simplistic!

Here are seven facts about sperm that you probably didn't know:

1. Sperm comes in all shapes and sizes. Many of them are deformed. Yes, I am talking about double heads, double tails, tiny, huge, etc. There are millions and millions of possibilities. A man produces between 40 million and 1.2 trillion sperm cells in each ejaculation.

2. They respond to the diet of the gentleman. Many studies suggest that a good diet makes sperm healthier and has a good count. In fact, a type of acid called docosahexaenoic (DHA), found in fish, makes sperm stronger and improves movement.

3. Sperm is not the same as semen. Sperm is called the cells that are part of semen. The seminal fluid or "semen" is a mixture of enzymes, fructose, and various liquids.

4. They were discovered a short time ago. It was not until a Danish scientist realized their existence in 1677. However, it was not until 1879 that they were understood to be sex cells. Before that time, scientists thought semen carried small, ready-made little men ready to cook. I dared that the woman was just a type of oven.

5. They don't always know their destiny. Only 50 percent of the sperm that is ejaculated reaches the egg. The other half turns on its axis without knowing where to go.

6. They come in both sexes. There are boys and girls sperm. Boy sperm tend to be faster, but girl sperm is stronger. Any similarity with reality is a mere coincidence ...

7. And finally as an extra and it is the data that my friend told me: A man can ejaculate and have a discharge of semen but not have an orgasm.

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