

As the world continues to take steps to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has officially announced new symptoms of Covid-19 in the United States.
As of March 2020, 11 symptoms have been included, ranging from respiratory conditions to stomach discomfort. However, it is believed that there are still others that are not included.

To determine if a symptom is related to the new coronavirus, specialists study a group of those infected who manifest it. If it is present in a high percentage of patients, it is taken as scientific evidence to make it part of the official list, adding to the ailments related to the disease.

The best way to prevent this is to be informed. For this reason, it is important to know what are the four new symptoms that according to the CDC are an indication of a possible new infection. Remember, if you think that you or someone in your house is infected with Covid-19, you should seek medical attention. Here's the latest on coronavirus symptoms.

Gallery made in contribution with Griselda Díaz

There is a wide range of Covid-19 symptoms.
Since the coronavirus pandemic began, some symptoms such as dry cough, high fever, sore throat, and difficulty breathing have been associated with signs of contracting the virus. The CDC has included chills, fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle aches, loss of smell and taste, as well as headache, to this list. However, some additional conditions are not yet listed, such as skin changes and eye problems.

Congestion appears as a new symptom.
In July, health specialists realized that congestion became a common symptom for many of the people who have contracted the new coronavirus. Although we did not associate it with Covid-19, which was initially associated with a dry cough, fever, and shortness of breath, it now becomes one more symptom of the disease. Keep in mind that congestion alone is not about having the disease.

A runny nose is another new symptom.
Nasal discharge is associated with several conditions, including allergies and the common cold, making it rather difficult to tell if it is a symptom of the coronavirus. If your nasal discomfort is accompanied by sneezing, facial pain, and a runny nose, it's probably not the disease. But if it presents with other discomforts, it would not hurt to do the COVID-19 test.

Nausea is included among the new symptoms.
Having nausea could be a symptom for coronavirus patients who have a milder form of the virus and can be considered one of the first signs of contracting the disease. Currently, it is believed that approximately half of those newly infected with Covid-19 have stomach upsets associated with the virus.

Diarrhea has been included among the symptoms of Covid-19.
Similarly, diarrhea joins the CDC list for appearing as a common symptom for new patients with the virus. It may manifest with other ailments associated with the coronavirus, or this may be the initial symptom. Either way, you should be alert to any discomfort.

Covid-19 cannot be diagnosed solely by its symptoms.
It is very important to know that when any symptoms appear that make you think you might have the new coronavirus, seek medical advice. Firstly, because these symptoms may be associated with other diseases. Second, because the symptoms alone are not a guarantee that you have been infected with Covid-19. Remember, the only certain way to find out is to take the test.

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