

We know that we are in a collective moment where our emotional balance is on the tightrope, so we must find all possible ways to stay in our inner center, despite what happens outside. Remember that everything around you depends a lot, mainly on the tranquility of your home. These are moments when your mental health is exposed to certain symptoms of an emotional cause that can attack you as part of the chaos generated by confinement and the fear of contagion. This could lead to an anxiety crisis. For this reason, you should be alert to the symptoms that I share here. In addition to practicing the solutions that I propose to you and that, as a specialist in the subject, allow me to give you the tools that I know will work for you if you carry them out. You know that at MamásLatinas we care a lot that you feel good and that you have on hand the most practical advice so that you can live healthily and this is no exception, since, despite the worldwide experience we are living, we want to accompany you emotionally in everything moment. So pay attention.

There is a study by a prestigious magazine called The Lancet, where it is mentioned that the majority of the cases of the quarantine experience have had negative psychological effects such as post-traumatic stress and anger. It is difficult to adjust to routine changes coupled with fear and loneliness, which are not a good combination. However, you should always consult your specialist, it is he who will tell you what is happening to your body and it is he who will determine the real origin.

First, you have to know that anxiety can be a product of the permanent stress we live in, and no, do not think that you are going crazy. You must have patience, not judge yourself, and understand yourself. Don't feel alone along the way, this may be happening to many women who, like you, are coping with this as best they can. When you are prey to an anxiety crisis and you feel overwhelmed, the symptoms can vary, and here, I will only present you with the most common ones.

Tachycardia as a result of the increased heart rate.
This is due to the intense emotional response you are having that leads to palpitations. Your heartbeat is fast, hectic, and very strong. You feel them in the chest, although you can also feel their vibration in the throat. It is important that if your tachycardia lasts more than 30 minutes or even causes fainting, you should immediately go to your trusted doctor.

Tip: Take a deep breath for 3-5 minutes and try to cough 3-5 times.
Conscious breathing is a very powerful tool to help your body find balance. In addition, it also helps you combat stress. You need to breathe deeply inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth, then wash your face with cold water or, if you prefer, put cold compresses on your face.

You feel pressure on your chest and that could make it difficult for you to breathe.
Due to anxiety and persistent concern for your health, you may feel that your chest cannot expand enough when you breathe. Before this, consult your doctor and rule out any health condition. If your specialist tells you that it is a product of anguish, focus on the advice that I share below.

Tip: Lie on your stomach and in an exercise in body awareness, flow with what you feel.
Live the experience of pressure, the more you fight against it, the more you will feel it. Unbutton everything that squeezes you. Lie on your stomach and place one arm under your chest and your forehead over the hand of the opposite arm. Bend your knees so that your feet point to the ceiling, and then bring your legs from one side to the other. From the pelvis, you are moving the ribs and giving you a feeling of spaciousness. Your breathing should be natural. Then you change arms and do the same on the other side.

Sweating and chills as a natural reaction when you feel danger.
This happens because there is a decrease in oxygen in the blood and it almost always occurs in the palm of the hands, feet, or armpits. Also, added to this, you can feel muscle tension and general discomfort. Anxiety leads you to be alert and your body is constantly responding to danger.

Tip: You can drink chamomile tea and keep your body hydrated.
There are many natural remedies that have a calming activity such as chamomile tea.
 that relaxes your muscles naturally. You can take it warm. The important is that
also keeps your body well hydrated so you can regulate your temperature. Search a meditation to relax and rest.

Numbness and tingling sensation in the arms, legs, or hands.
It is a reaction to high levels of stress and all the imbalance that is triggered in your body. You may feel you lose sensitivity in the extremities. This is because your nervous system is highly altered and produces such numbness.

Walk, shake your body and at the same time do a moving meditation or dance a little.
Although you cannot go out into public spaces for sanitary indications, walk around your house or inside it. By shaking your body you make a shock that will give you relief and help your blood circulation to normalize. Then focus on the walk taking deep breaths and set your mind blank. If you prefer, you can dance a little.

Fear or panic of dying as a result of all the symptoms you are experiencing.
Because your body is in a state of alert, you have a lot of physiological activity and you can feel invaded by catastrophic thoughts by everything you are feeling. Remember that the first thing you need is to go too deep breathing, accept unpleasant sensations, and pay attention to your thoughts so that you can question them.

Tip: Eliminate negative thoughts without turning it into an inner struggle and ask yourself reasonable questions.
Remember that you must have body awareness, allow yourself the experience of each sensation as a way to flow with the sensations. Then focus on your thoughts and ask yourself questions like: What is the real probability of ...? I'm doing the best I can? If I'm taking every precaution, should I feel this way? The idea is that you yourself detect that you have irrational thoughts.

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