

Surely like me you are looking for those foods that strengthen the immune system of your family, especially your little ones. We must protect our family and nothing better than starting each morning by drinking delicious juices that increase the defenses of your loved ones. Here we share 20 easy to prepare and very powerful recipes!

Nature has given us a series of fruits, vegetables, and roots that are ideal to protect our immune system. In addition to integrating these foods into the different meals you prepare for your loved ones, you can also make them into delicious smoothies or smoothies. From the classic orange juice mixed with carrots that never goes out of style and is always a super smoothie, to those with turmeric and aloe vera.

Spirulina algae is another great ally that we recommend adding to your smoothies, not to mention ginger, either fresh or powdered. In these recipes, you will also find one that contains peanuts and guava. It is one of the richest and most effective smoothies to increase your defenses. Enjoy them!


Chef James gives us the recipe for a super-powerful juice.
Chef James explains step by step how to prepare this delicious and nutritious juice that has carrots as the queens of this drink. This juice also contains ginger, orange, and turmeric. Everything goes through the extractor and can be drunk every morning to strengthen the immune system.

Spirulina algae is the star of this smoothie.
"My loves it is time to take care of ourselves and to strengthen our immune system. Here I share this wonderful recipe for that purpose. Remember that it must be something constant, it does not work if you take it once and now, it must be a permanent supply for it to really work. Take care of yourselves my loves ", shared the expert in nutrition and physical preparation.


Would you dare to try an apple lettuce juice?
Add 3 chopped apples, a few pieces of lettuce, ready-made green tea, and honey. Blend all the ingredients and ready, it is ideal to raise the defenses. You can add a tincture of echinacea. In addition to being delicious for apples and honey, it is a great ally for your health and your immune system will thank you.


Pumpkin carrot juice is an ally of the immune system.
This juice promises to increase the resistance of your immune system and its preparation is really easy. You mix a large slice of pumpkin with a carrot that is also large in the blender, add water and mash it. It is taken as if it were a smoothie and it is recommended that it be eaten freshly prepared every morning.


Banana, strawberry, and oatmeal to raise the defenses.
Banana, strawberries, and oats are the star ingredients in this smoothie that gives the body a lot of energy in addition to increasing the body's defenses. In addition to its benefits, it is delicious and is also an antidote to fatigue. You can also add blueberries and take them every morning preferably on an empty stomach.


Carrot and garlic juice is a protective shield for your body.
Forget about thinking if garlic tastes bad or if you have bad breath. This smoothie is revitalizing, digestive and therapeutic, just add 3 carrots, 2 large cloves of garlic that is not parched, and a glass of water. The garlic cut them very well to enhance the virtues of their enzymes and that's it.


This smoothie will surely conquer your children.
You require a beet or beet, a pear, a red apple, and 3 tablespoons of honey. Before liquefying all the ingredients, bring the beets to a boil to soften them. Then pour all the food in the blender until they are fully incorporated. For its soft and sweet flavor, your children will love it.


Green juice to raise the defenses in your body.
For this juice, you need a few kale leaves, a green apple, a lemon - with everything and peel -, a cucumber, two stalks of celery, and if it has the best leaves, carrots, and a slice of ginger. Put all the ingredients in the processor or extractor and that's it. You have a delicious antidote that protects your body.


Spinach is key in this smoothie.
You require to prepare this juice a bunch of spinach, better if you leave the stems,
 celery, parsley which is detoxifying and supports the immune system by combining it with
the fiber. Blend with a glass of water and add a cucumber. To finish you add 1/2
a teaspoon of ginger powder, 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder and the juice of 4


A smoothie with orange, parsley, and sesame is a great remedy.
For this smoothie, you need a peeled and peeled orange, 2 cups of yogurt, a large slice of ginger, 1/2 carrot, 5 leaves of spinach, a branch of parsley, a tablespoon of sesame, 10 almonds, 3 slices of cucumber, a stick of celery and the juice of 3 lemons. Put everything in the blender and that's it.


Beets and carrots do wonders for your immune system.
To prepare this delicious and nutritious recipe you require a beet also known as beets, a carrot, 1/2 green apple, and a glass of water. Mix all the food in the blender and voila. It is best to serve it cold so that it is more refreshing although the flavor of this smoothie is not very strong.


Raise your defenses and decrease in tiredness.
This smoothie is one of the easiest to prepare. You only need to squeeze the oranges until you have the juice equivalent to a glass, mix it with a bunch of spinach, --which can be previously boiled as this video shows-- or raw - just wash them very well before. Blend these two ingredients and bon appetit.


Redberry smoothie with only 4 ingredients.
For this smoothie, you require a cup of previously frozen strawberries, a banana, a cup of also frozen grapes, and the juice of a lemon. Mix all the ingredients in the blender with a little water so that they are incorporated more easily. It is recommended to strain it to remove the seeds from the grapes.


Coconut and mango to increase defenses with this smoothie.
You require a cup of coconut water - or orange juice -, 2 cups of chopped mango, 1/2 cucumber, peeled and chopped, 1/2 cup of celery, chopped, one inch of grated ginger, and the juice of one lemon. Mixing these elements that are so good for the immune system creates a rich and powerful cocktail.


A smoothie with purple cabbage?
Yes, as strange as this recipe seems, it requires purple cabbage, red apples, purple grapes - try to get seedless. Beat these three ingredients with water in the blender and preferably do not strain it once you are going to serve it so that you also consume all the fiber that this shake provides to your body.


The kiwi is the best there is to raise the defenses.
For this smoothie you only require 3 kiwis previously peeled and cut into pieces, 2 bananas cut into pieces, 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1/2 teaspoon of ginger, skimmed yogurt and skim milk. Blend all the ingredients until they are perfectly crushed and serve this smoothie to the whole family.


A juice with apple and kiwi to raise the body's defenses.
To prepare this delicious smoothie you require 3 peeled and cut ripe kiwis, a green apple, and the juice of two oranges. This preparation can be consumed strained or without straining and in addition to raising the defenses due to the high fiber content of the fruits, it is also excellent for your digestive system.


Peanuts and guava are also eaten in a smoothie.
Both peanuts, also known as peanuts, and guava, are two great allies of the immune system. You need 3 guavas, 2 spinach leaves, and unsalted peanuts. Mix these 3 ingredients in the blender with a little water and you will get a delicious and nutritious smoothie for you and your family.


Combine papaya and tangerine to increase defenses.
Mix 1/2 glass of freshly squeezed tangerine juice with one cup of chopped papaya. Once you have liquefied it you take it on an empty stomach preferably in the morning. Strengthens the immune system and purifies your body of toxins, as it helps keep the intestinal tract clean.

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