

Believe it or not, the quality of your diet is closely related to your mood. And it is that contrary to what we might think, the food that we love the most and that "apparently" makes us very happy, is not always the best option for you to have energy, motivation and good humor. In fact, those of us who work with mental health recommend our consultants to monitor their diet, since some very important research has shown that depression is closely related to the health of your intestines. Who would have thought, right? Therefore, watch your diet, it could be one of the causes that prevent you from feeling full and happy.

Let's start by understanding that quality of life has nothing to do with guilty pleasures. It's not about taking off your occasional permissions to eat some cravings; It is about deciding to take care of yourself to feel happy every day, since food affects behavior, regulating neurotransmitter levels.

A good diet influences your learning capacity, attention, and cognition. And a bad diet favors depression and anxiety and even has harmful effects on your brain. Take into account these foods that I share and consult with your trusted nutritionist to validate it.

Prepare a delicious dinner that includes turkey, it is a great antidepressant.
Turkey is a highly nutritious food that is high in tryptophan (a natural antidepressant). Nutritionists recommend that you eat it at dinner as it relaxes you and improves the quality of your sleep.

Include brown rice in your diet as it increases your serotonin levels.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps you regulate your mood. If you consume brown rice or whole grains, you are helping your brain regulate and balance serotonin to make you feel good throughout the day.

Eat salmon at least once a week and you will be very happy.
In addition to being delicious and healthy, salmon contains omega 3, which is an essential fatty acid essential for healthy psychological function as it keeps you in emotional balance.

Brazil nuts and dried fruits will help you combat bad mood.
If you have felt bad or very irritable as a result of stress, you may have a deficit of an important mineral for the body known as selenium. Brazil nuts will be a great remedy to make you feel good.

To be happy, accompany your food with a delicious spinach salad.
I tell you that, according to some research, depression is associated with low levels of folic acid. That is why, if you consume green salads, mainly spinach or lettuce, you can promote and increase your good mood during the day.

If you are not allergic to strawberries, you can prepare a delicious smoothie in the morning.
I tell you that some research says that there is a direct relationship between fatigue and vitamin C deficiency. So, if you consume foods rich in this vitamin such as strawberries, you are helping your body to maintain energy, in addition, to reduce your anxiety levels.

Eat plenty of avocados, it is rich in vitamin B6 and will put you in a good mood.
In addition to containing oleic acid, which fights the aging of your brain, being a source of minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, it is also excellent for improving your mood because it balances your nervous system.

You can take an infusion of natural plants that are known for their antidepressant effects.
Medicinal herbs in infusion are a good option to drink during the morning or night. You can try hypericum or guarana. However, you should consult a naturopathic doctor to indicate contraindications.

Make sure you keep your body well hydrated, so you won't be fatigued.
If you feel listless or tired during the day, you should check if you have had enough water. Often a drop in mood and low energy is related to lack of hydration.

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