

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry ensures that more than 40% of children have cavities when they reach kindergarten, that is, around the age of 5. But that doesn't have to be the case for your child. To avoid this, prevention is the strategy to follow. Therefore, it is important to take our little ones on their first visit to the dentist.

But when to do it? The indicated time is six months after your baby has his first tooth and before his first birthday. This is recommended by the portal of the American Dental Association (ADA) and on the website of the United States Academy of General Dentistry (AGD).

The two entities maintain that visits the dentist guarantee that our children have good oral health. In addition, problems such as the appearance of cavities can be prevented and parents will learn the correct way to clean the teeth of our children.

You have to choose a good dentist.
The first visit to the dentist can be intimidating. Therefore, at this appointment, the dentist tries to make the child feel comfortable. That is the reason why he shows you his equipment and explains how it is used. Also, take the opportunity to talk to parents about taking care of your teeth, explained Ana Beatriz Álvarez, who is a dentist and orthodontic specialist.

The schedule is super important.
What else can we do to achieve a positive first visit to the dentist? The ADA recommends scheduling the appointment in the morning when children are usually calmer. It is important to talk to them about it and never use the doctor to instill fear or as punishment. Finally, we must maintain a calm attitude during the process.

It is important to monitor children's habits.
One of the customs that many children have, which affects their oral health, is that of thumb sucking. Although this gives babies a lot of peace of mind, it can alter the shape of their teeth. In addition, it exposes them to bacteria that can cause cavities and threaten their general health.

The gums also need attention.
There are ways to maintain your child's oral health. So it is important to teach teeth cleaning habits. A good idea is to start cleaning your gums with a damp cloth, gauze, or rubber brush at least twice a day since you are a baby. Also, it is ideal to repeat this practice after breastfeeding or bottle feeding.

You have to take care of your teeth from the first one comes out
As soon as your baby's first tooth comes in, clean her mouth with a small, soft-bristled pediatric brush or a rubber one. Do it at least twice a day. If you started doing it with your gums since I was little, you will have no problems. If not, it's still a good time to start training him on oral cleaning.

Help your child brush her teeth.
Until he is 7 years old it is important that you check that he does it well and that he learns to brush to take care of his teeth. After that age, if he has had your help, he will be ready to do it alone. The best thing about following these tips is that you will be protecting him from the common fear of dentists.

Flossing is also essential for children.
Even if you think that it is still very small and that its teeth are separated, it is essential to teach them to floss at an early age. It is very important that you adopt good oral hygiene habits since you will be laying the foundations for a healthy mouth.

Pay attention to the toothbrush.
Don't wait for it to look shabby and with its tousles bristled to change it. Ideally, replace it with a new one every three months. In addition, you have to choose the right brush for the age of the children and according to their sensitivity. There are several sizes of brushes on the market with different thickness and stiffness of the bristles.

Caring for the diet is essential.
It is important that you prevent your child from consuming sweet foods, sweets, or milk at bedtime. That is when there is no possibility of brushing your teeth. In addition, at that time you should not eat carbohydrates since most are transformed into sugar.

The taste of the toothpaste makes the difference.
The taste buds of children are much more sensitive than those of adults. So don't be surprised if your baby refuses to brush his teeth because the mint paste hurts his mouth. Let him use children's tubes of toothpaste until he's comfortable with a stronger one. Of course, it is pending that it has fluoride.

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