

It's amazing how we take self-medication so lightly; What if the pill for headaches, what if the capsule for stomach pain, what if the cough syrup. In short, you better than anyone knows what I'm talking about, because I'm sure that almost all of us, at some point, have wanted to play doctor and recipe book. Sometimes we follow the neighbor's recommendations and, worse still, sometimes we make the recommendations ourselves. There is something that you should always take into account as of today that this information reaches your eyes: all medications have side effects, and that is why doctors always ask you a series of questions that will let them know if the medication you are going for to prescribe is indicated for your general and comprehensive health condition.

I understand that much of the advertising about medications becomes a clear invitation to take them as if they were sweet. However, as in everything, you should read the small letters because those are the ones that never change the legend "Consult your doctor". On the other hand, sometimes you can medicate unnecessarily because you want to silence any symptom that is very uncomfortable, but perhaps it is that symptom that is giving the key to the root of your possible disease. Listen to your body. Understand that your body speaks and gives you signals.

We are not trained to medicate ourselves, as simple as it may seem, we must give the magnitude and importance to health because having a lack of information is putting our lives at risk. Hopefully, we understand that the abuse of self-medication has caused death in many cases and that recommending a medication without knowing the side reactions is a risk to your health and the health of others. Hopefully, you take it into account.

What we commonly take for headaches can decrease your joy and your capacity for empathy.
It sounds incredible, but I tell you that one of the effects of paracetamol and recently discovered is that it dulls the senses and makes it difficult for us to understand the suffering of others. All of this according to research by Dr. Baldwin Way of Ohio University.

Alternative: Use cold compresses and place them on your forehead.
Headache can occur from multiple causes, but before you put a pill in your mouth, try cold compresses better and your pain will decrease. Many times stress or tiredness is the cause. However, consult your doctor for the actual diagnosis.

If you abuse painkillers, you can attack your stomach causing possible gastritis.
Many medications have side effects that harm your stomach, and while you feel like you fix one thing, you affect another. Pain relievers and anti-inflammatories attack the intestinal mucosa, which, in the worst case, can cause kidney problems.

Alternative: Eat foods that are natural pain relievers like extra virgin olive oil.
Pineapple, cherries, ginger are foods that can work as pain relievers. I even tell you that extra virgin olive oil is equivalent to 10 percent of the dose of ibuprofen recommended by doctors.

You could become severely intoxicated by not knowing the exact dose and tolerance of your body.
Doctors take the weight, history, and many other factors into account. If you take a medicine that someone else recommended, you run the risk of poisoning that can range from mild to severe depending on the dose you have consumed.

Alternative: The only remedy for this case is that you contact the toxicology area of ​​your nearest hospital.
They may give you care over the phone so you can act immediately before the drug causes major damage. Consider that, in these cases, your only alternative is to receive medical help.

You can delay the accurate diagnosis of a disease by masking it with non-prescribed medicine.
A headache, a stomach ache, and inflammation, in short, if you do not give it due importance and only silence the discomfort with some painkiller, you can make it difficult to detect illness early and therefore delay recovery.

Alternative: In what you consult your doctor, calm the pain without masking it with lavender aromatherapy.
It is a way to cope with the discomfort or pain that afflicts you because you have a
relaxing effect. Sure, as long as it is an alternative in what you are going to consult with your doctor. It is a way to feel more relieved.
You can cause resistance to the drug and severe damage to your intestinal flora, especially when it comes to antibiotics.
Although antibiotics require a prescription, it can be very easy to get them and I tell you that, according to the WHO, resistance to antibiotics is a threat to global health. So think twice before taking it without a prescription.

Alternative: Support your recovery with natural antibiotics to fight bacteria.
In what your doctor prescribes the antibiotic "if you need it" you can go to natural antibiotics such as garlic and turmeric that can help you fight some bacteria. The indiscriminate abuse of antibiotics can damage your intestinal flora severely and cause other diseases.

If you are taking other medications and taking something for the common cold, you can alter the effects.
If you are taking other medications and you decide to self-medicate to reduce symptoms of some discomfort, it is possible that you potentiate or diminish the effects of any of them and none of them is fulfilling the function that it must fulfill in your body.

Alternative: Better calm the effects of your cold with natural remedies.
Vaporizing with eucalyptus and staying well hydrated can be very helpful remedies to lessen the discomfort of your cold. Cinnamon tea with lemon and ginger is also an excellent option.

Did you know that 32% of children who go to the emergency room in their countries have been previously medicated by the mother?
There may be an overdose, especially when it comes to ibuprofen. Many moms find it very easy to control fever with this medicine and do not measure the importance of height and weight so that the medicine does not harm their little ones.

Alternative: Control your little one's fever with cold compresses and locate your pediatrician by phone.
You need your doctor to prescribe the right medicine and the indicated dose according to the size and weight of your little one. Meanwhile, the controls the temperature by putting cotton clothes on, ventilating the space, and also placing cold water compresses on his forehead.

You could cause anaphylactic shock, which is a very dangerous allergic reaction.
The drugs that most produce it have been found to be some beta-lactam antibiotics. Among these are penicillin, amoxicillin, ampicillin.

Alternative: It occurs from 5 minutes to 2 hours after taking the medication, the doctor is the only one who would save you.
Definitely, this type of reaction requires IMMEDIATE medical attention since it is an exaggerated response of the immune system that is characterized by unconsciousness, shortness of breath, decreased pulse and heart rate, and of course, can lead to death.

If you are taking sedatives or tranquilizers, an antihistamine can make you more drowsy and put you at risk.
The combination of what could relieve a cold, along with the sedative or tranquilizer medicine prescribed by your doctor, could be terrible especially when you drive a car since you can have accidents.

Alternative: If you want to control an allergy or decrease nasal fluid, eat fruits with lots of vitamin C.
Vitamin C helps tremendously to slow down the release of histamine which is the cause of many allergic reactions. If you frequently consume orange, tangerine, lemon, papaya, broccoli, you could help your body regulate itself.

If you suggest a common antacid, you are not considering contraindications.
If the person taking the antacid is lactose intolerant or even if they have kidney failure and you don't know it, you could be hurting them. In this case, you need to know that the antacid contains lactose, and may even cause kidney damage.

Alternative: Try a natural alternative in natural juices and these will not harm your body.
If you suffer from heartburn, you can drink natural juices such as lemon juice that will neutralize the acids in your stomach, or natural grape juice that is alkaline. Even a carrot juice with a potato on an empty stomach will be of great help to you.

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