
The best products to relieve gum pain and itching in babies

Gum itching is a part of babies' lives that often makes a lot of moms desperate. Our children are so young when they go through this experience that it is difficult at first to understand what is happening to them. It is not easy, once the problem is identified, to know how to help them. That is why we have put together some products that work to calm the discomfort that new teeth produce for our little dolls and relieve our ears since all parents know that this stage is not easy.

Many grandmothers put a wet cloth in the freezer and when it was very cold, they gave it to babies so that sucking on it made their gums numb. Others put some liquor in the area that bothered them with the same intention, that they fell asleep and did not bother him anymore. Fortunately, in addition to home remedies, there are other solutions.

We are talking about products specially designed to help babies with itchy gums, but that can not hurt themselves, or eat something they should not. The best thing is that they are easy to find and are not expensive at all. On top they are cute. As if that were not enough, in addition to being good, beautiful, and cheap they are efficient. Here you have them.

A kind cactus can be an ally.
Babies can wear it like a glove and you can adjust it so it doesn't fall off. The bumps on the plastic part will be used to scratch the gums, but since the tips are branches, they cannot be hurt. Also, it can be put in the washing machine, so you can keep it clean.

Nothing alleviates like the cold.
This Mam Thread is wonderful for helping children with itchy gums. The blue part has gel inside and if you put it in the freezer it will freeze and relieve the baby by sleeping the part of the mouth that bothers them. It also has a clip with which you can grab onto clothing, so it will not fall or be lost.

These pacifiers offer double benefits.
For babies with gum problems from the first little teeth coming out, these Munchkin pacifiers are a great solution. Between the bottle and the little mall, there is space to put fruits that, in addition to giving the little ones something to suck, will offer them a little glucose, which will lower their stress.

Babies enjoy soft toys.
These pieces of Nuby fabric with plastic rings will be among your child's favorites. When the little ones have itchy gums they put everything in their mouths and the rings have enough texture to help them alleviate their discomfort. In addition, four come in the package, so you can always offer a clean one.

This caterpillar is hungry.
This beautiful little worm is the real version of the one that appears in Eric Carle's book The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Your boy or girl will very much enjoy having it in their hands and being able to put the plastic ring in their mouth to scratch their gums while reading this beautiful book.

There are cookies that relieve itchy gums.
These are organic, with a good texture and, as if that were not enough, they taste very good and are nutritious. Cookies, especially for children who suffer from tooth decay, come in various flavors. These blueberries and carrots are among our favorites.

Lego necklaces are cute.
They are made of silicone and the cord prevents them from tangling and causing problems for your children. The little circles on the surface of the rectangle, which imitate Legos, will help your baby scratch your gums and their strong colors will draw your baby's attention.

Necklaces are the greatest novelty.
Surprisingly, these are not for use only by children, but my mom or whoever is holding the baby. However, it is a great idea because we already know how much young children enjoy grabbing everything we have on. These necklaces are very well armed, so the beads will not drop. In addition, they are very soft, so babies cannot hurt themselves.

Have you seen such a magical toothbrush?
This little unicorn will inspire your baby to scratch his gums with it and teach him to use the toothbrush regularly, a habit that will be of the utmost importance for the rest of his life. The design of the wings is easy for the child to grasp.

The traditional plastic keychain has been modernized.
The colored "keys" on this Nuby keychain come with gel on the inside and are made of a very fine plastic, which allows you to put it in the catcher and offer various possibilities for gum relief. The cold from the frozen gel will work as an anti-inflammatory and will put the part that bothers you to sleep.

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