
12 Reasons why diets are making you fat

It happens to all of us. We undergo a super strict diet to walk immaculate on our wedding day. Or to attend a graduation ceremony for a niece. Or so that summer does not catch us so big. Or after we give birth to lose the pregnancy pounds and return to a flat stomach. And it turns out that after the initial "rigor", or after a few weeks of great sacrifices and hardships, we started to gain weight again. Does it look familiar to you? Well, keep reading because what follows are the reasons why diets do not work and you end up increasing those hateful pounds.

1. Your image of yourself is not realistic
Your diet looks like who you are not. Advertising, marketing, they sell you an image that in most cases is impossible to achieve, among other things because it is not real. Your expectations are not realistic.

2. Good behavior
When you diet you are supposed to "be good" if you follow it to the letter, without going out or cheating when in reality you are putting your body under severe stress. At the first cupcake, you get fat.

3. Bad behavior
If your diet and go off, then you "misbehaved": you blame yourself, you feel horrible and you start a cycle of "self-destruction".

4. Wicked Cycle
When you are on a very strict diet it is very easy to be tempted by the food you are depriving yourself of. So you eat more and that's when you gain weight again.

5. You are hungry
Most diets force you to substantially reduce your caloric intake so that they give quick results. When the body feels that you are starving it, something pushes you to eat large amounts (one day you cheat, when you finish the diet, on a break, etc.)

6. You eat large amounts
When you eat large amounts and your body is stressed because you have been starving yourself, you accumulate more fat than if you were eating normally.

7. You throw in the towel
When you go off the diet, you feel horrible and you throw in the towel.

8. You eat more just in case
Since once you throw in the towel you know that sooner or later you will go back to a strict diet, then you take advantage to make disasters and eat everything that happens in front of you.

9. You are never satisfied
When you are on a strict diet you have no idea when you are satisfied or not. You always have anxiety about eating.

10. Side effects
When you are on a strict diet you become irritable, you feel bored, anxious, and even depressed.

11. Suffer self-esteem
When you diet and go off, you feel that you fail, that you cannot, you become insecure and begin to have self-esteem problems.

12. Personal questioning problem
When you diet, going out to eat with your partner or your friends generates anxiety. You are concerned about food and exercising. You end up getting bored and disconnected from your family and friends.

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