
10 things you have to do to prevent mosquitoes from baiting with you

Keep in mind that the risks and discomfort related to mosquito bites are aggravated, which can cause inflammation, itching, and pain for those who suffer them.
In addition, as Eduardo González Zorzano, an expert at the Cinfa Medical Department, indicates, “bites can be a way to spread dangerous tropical diseases, such as malaria, dengue or yellow fever. Therefore, beyond informing us about the vaccines and the necessary preventive treatments, if we travel to other countries we must protect ourselves from bites with clothing that covers the whole body, mosquito nets, and the use of adequate repellents. ”

Although in Spain there are no mosquitoes that are capable of transmitting chronic diseases, in summer we must also take extreme precautions. 

activities -many times in beaches, swimming pools, and rivers- are factors that greatly increase the risk of bites. "

Although mosquitoes bite different animals, most species prefer human blood, since our skin is very thin and it is easier for them to reach the veins. “In order to extract blood more easily, mosquitoes have a very powerful anticoagulant in their saliva that they introduce into our bloodstream by biting us. Our immune system recognizes this substance as something foreign to the body and attacks it, causing inflammation of the area and itching, "explains the expert.

In addition, as Eduardo González Zorzano, an expert at the Cinfa Medical Department, indicates, “bites can be a way to spread dangerous tropical diseases, such as malaria, dengue or yellow fever. Therefore, beyond informing us about the vaccines and the necessary preventive treatments, if we travel to other countries we must protect ourselves from bites with clothing that covers the whole body, mosquito nets, and the use of adequate repellents. ”

Although in Spain there are no mosquitoes that are capable of transmitting chronic diseases, in summer we must also take extreme precautions. activities -many times in beaches, swimming pools, and rivers- are factors that greatly increase the risk of bites. "

Although mosquitoes bite different animals, most species prefer human blood, since our skin is very thin and it is easier for them to reach the veins. “In order to extract blood more easily, mosquitoes have a very powerful anticoagulant in their saliva that they introduce into our bloodstream by biting us. Our immune system recognizes this substance as something foreign to the body and attacks it, causing inflammation of the area and itching, "explains the expert.

Preventive treatments
To avoid it, there are some preventive treatments such as repellents, substances that are applied to exposed areas of skin or clothing to ward off the insect. 

protection against bacterial given just by stings for pesky insects, clicks, bugs, plus termites of your pick, good Entire world Overall health Corporation (WHO), or perhaps resources, for instance, citriodiol ”, tells González Zorzano. Once the bite has occurred, you can resort to soothing treatments or over-the-counter medications that neutralize the toxin introduced by the insect.

The Cinfa expert also recommends taking a series of simple precautions that
can minimize the risk of bites:

Ten tips to avoid bites:
1. Watch for the clock. As much as possible, try not to go out between dusk and dawn, as this is the time when mosquitoes usually bite.

2. Runaway from the light. If you have the window open, try to leave the light off, since mosquitoes come to the light.

3. Air helps. The air conditioning prevents the appearance of mosquitoes, and you can also place fans inside the house to keep them away, as well as leaving the room where you go to sleep well closed and ventilated.

4. Use mosquito nets. You can put them in the bed or crib, fixing them under the mattress and making sure they are not broken, because they constitute a highly effective physical barrier against insects that attack at night. They can also be placed on windows and doors and can be impregnated with permethrin or deltamethrin to improve protection.

5. Maintain daily personal care. Daily correct body hygiene follows because sweating 
and strong odors, such as those of the feet, invite you to itch.

6. Avoid intense perfumes. Do not use colognes that give off sweet smells or perfumed soaps or hair sprays, as they attract insects.

7. Better, covered. It is convenient for the whole family to wear clothing that covers the skin: long sleeves, long pants, and socks, as well as avoiding dark and bright colors, which attract mosquitoes. And don't forget to shake the clothes before wearing them if you have hung them outside.

8. Escape from prohibited areas. Better avoid areas where insects flock or have their nests: garbage cans, rafts with water, uncovered food and sweets, and blooming gardens. Also, try not to disturb the insects.

9. Make proper use of repellents. When using mosquito repellents, you should strictly follow the recommendations on the mode and frequency of use described by the manufacturer. Specifically, you must first apply the sunscreen, let it absorb for twenty minutes, and then apply the mosquito repellent.

10. Consult your pharmacist. It will advise you on the most appropriate treatment. Also, if you are visiting a developing country, it is advisable to go to a center specialized in traveler medicine or consult a doctor before leaving.

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